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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Last Chance 10k

Listed by firstofficerspong
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
TingTong This course has produced my two best 10K times, best and last chance of getting a PB in 2007. Just didn't have it on the day, on target for first 4km, then struggled badly for next 4km, last couple km where OK.
Exmouth Harriers AAC
37:29 38:47 37:28 39:07 68.71
firstofficerspong My 2nd 10k.  This is a fast course apparently so I'm hoping for a PB.  Have been working on those speed intervals!  Previous best is 41:47 so under 41 would be good, but I'll whisper this and you musn't tell anyone: I'm actually after sub-40...UPDATE: Christmas pud=running fuel.  I was hoping for sub-40 and came away with 37:21!  I am very very very pleased with that.  Fantastic conditions today, warmish and still.  Thanks for all the bets Fetchies, glad I could deliver the goods.
36:27 37:21 41:00 37:21 74.51
Torbay Really enjoyed this. Think I ate to many mince pies as i should of got a pb. 18 seconds out.
Torbay Athletic Club and Torbay Tri Club
48:20 50:38 50:56 59.90
Tiverton Harriers
48:39 54:50 56:00 54:50 54.20
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB) My very first 10K back on New Years Eve 1999 and it took me 74 min.  Last year was just short of 63 min.  Have now had a solid year of running and getting quicker so intend to try for 56 min yet again. UPDATE Watch time was 55.49 but unfortunately the chip was only recording our finish times.  Still a PB though and now I know I can go below 56 mins :-)
Buckingham & Stowe RC
53:59 56:10 56:10 55.20
Oscar the Grouch A calm day in Exeter basins... 125/502. Top 25%!!!!!
Taunton AC, Running Forever
43:07 43:55 44:10 60.32
City of Salisbury A & RC
35:40 35:50 35:59 73.37
Clevedon AC
36:51 38:28 38:28 68.63
Southwest Roadrunners
46:31 49:38 49:38 56.97

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