Lancaster 5km (3 of 5)

Sat July 25 2009
Entrants (5)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Lancaster & Morecambe AC
21:03 21:03 21:03 62.03
21:47 21:49 21:49 65.91
Chris Smith
Pudsey Pacers RC
19:55 20:33 21:40 65.35
Dave W Bit of a dead loss this race today. Started off and did the first mile as per normal, except that I thought that if I'd have carried on at that pace I'd have popped my clogs by the end, so had to really back off and just jog it out. The remnants of my cold, I think. Lungs not functioning correctly. P*ss poor time, even for me, but back to it. racing tomorrow again, so we'll see how we go.
20:53 21:38 24:23 58.07
leanne S
29:15 29:15 29:15 53.60

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