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Horsforth 10k

  • Rated 77%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (7)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Big M
Pudsey Pacers RC
43:34 49:51 49:51 54.96
bushbaby Didn't feel that freash from the start. Held back a bit on the first hilly mile and a half. Did better on the towpath but had already let a lot of people go by then and couldn't reel them in. Relly enjoyed it though and felt better afterwards for not going flat out.
Pudsey Pacers RC
40:25 42:02 44:09 63.54
Heavy treader Nice race apart from the long drag along the canal,seemed to go on forever,still managed a PB though just!
Pudsey Pacers RC
41:05 42:56 43:23 61.41
howmanykatiebs First 10k - absolutely loved it. no music, no watch....and a huge sprint for the finish line when I realised how close I was to the 1 hour mark!
55:29 1:00:42 1:15:00 1:00:42 47.39
SimonF Prediction pretty much spot on! Pleased with the race as I hadn't trained hard for it - it was just something to get me started ready for the Abbey Dash sub 40 attempt. Initial 2 miles of hill was energy sapping, but my slowest mile was between 4 and 5 miles along the canal when I lost motivation a bit. Managed to pick it up for the last mile and a quarter. Finished 64th overall and 11th M40.
Cumberland Fell Runners, Horsforth Fellandale Club
40:25 40:47 40:59 40:58 67.40
Slider45 Not a pb but happy with the time as it's a decent improvement on last year's which bodes well for the Dash in November.  Lovely running conditions.
Valley Striders AC
34:17 36:09 38:12 69.21
Fell Runners Association
47:51 49:32 51:05 55.80

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