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Hinckley LOROS 5K

Wed August 20 2008
Listed by EvilPixie
Entrants (21)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
(Mama) Pigeon Wow i'm really impressed with my time. It was a good fast course and cool conditions although the wind and rain were a slight issue. As I suspected it hurt like hell but no apin no gain right?!
Anstey Amblers and Runners
25:54 25:54 28:03 25:54 53.72
Barky Good little evemt, managed a good pb by about 3mins :-).  It did rain a tad heavy!
Shelton Striders
20:34 20:34 20:34 66.76
Boycie Pretty unfavourable for running - wet, windy and a bit hilly to boot. Tried hard for the first couple of k, but head, heart and legs not in it, so steadied off and ran it as a hard training run...
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
16:59 17:24 18:22 70.03
Ivanhoe Runners
22:35 23:28 23:28 61.50
Chameleon Pushed too hard at the start - 4 mins for the 1st K. Managed to slow it down for most of the way till about 4k, where I tried to pick it up again. Not much left for a sprint finish, but happy with the time in my first race for about 11 months.
22:05 22:05 25:00 22:05 58.04
Che Not quite flat, windy and a bit of rain :)
Hinckley Running Club
21:45 21:45 22:30 21:45 61.29
EvilPixie I WILL PB!
pre flm training says I should be close to 30-31mins
Would love sub 30 - assuming it is the same course as last year then I may get the sun 30 too
33:49 33:49 31:00 33:49 41.97
Holme Pierrepont RC
23:16 23:16 23:16 59.88
Hen Harrier
Hermitage Harriers RC
35:11 35:11 35:11 41.92
26:39 27:17 27:17 49.58
JulesO I had no idea what this was going to be like - but I knew it was going to be fun, whatever - Evilpixie, Smoky and me on the same track, at the same time!!

OK, so the weather was foul, but the track was great, and amazingly I beat my predicted time with a fast finish!

...And I only told one poor joke ;)
31:56 31:56 32:00 31:56 42.36
Hermitage Harriers RC
27:16 27:52 27:52 50.51
Lincsfella DOH!!
19:03 19:03 20:06 67.30
Hermitage Harriers RC
17:33 19:51 20:00 19:51 64.57
24:43 26:26 28:31 51.72
16:38 18:45 18:30 18:45 68.36
sLickster Went pretty much to plan as a hard training run, heard it was a little hilly so wasn't flat out for a PB. Time to be confirmed (couldn't tell exactly where the finish was!) but garmin had splits of 3.40, 3.52, 4.01, 3.40, 3.43 +9 seconds for the extra 50 metres (so 18.56 through 5k?). Incline was between 1.5k and 2.5k so thats why 2nd and 3rd k times were down. 2nd fastest 5k and really nice circuit and lovely pair of embroided running socks, shame I quite literally only bought some new ones today!!! HH crew were out in force in the lovely weather...
Team derby runner
18:29 19:05 18:59 19:05 67.16
Smoky Slightly undulating course, apart from the breeze and occassional heavy downpour, a very nice course!
32:21 32:21 37:30 32:21 39.62
ThorntonRunner Not expecting a quick time - not race fit and will be running to and from home to this - 6 miles each way. So using it as a tempo session the middle of a long run.
18:50 20:28 20:00 20:28 70.24
Vi Ninety Day Challenge
Burton AC
28:32 28:32 27:00 30:22 43.27
25:58 28:08 30:00 28:08 49.41

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