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Hasenheide parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
  • Rated 93%
  • 5km
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
100 Marathon Club, Orion Harriers
17:29 17:40 21:18 66.45
100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC
18:48 19:55 22:09 65.42

About this parkrun

Great parkrun in a nice park. Well organised with friendly marshalling, good choices for coffee afterwards.
Gritts! 19th Apr 2019

Two laps incorporating a nice 200m hill to add to the fun. All on tarmac. Well marshaled, good briefing and potential for a very quick ntime. Friendly bunch and a good cafe for afterwards too
30th May 2019

Fab run, lovely park (road shoes) largely flat, other than a steep little hill on the second lap. Briefing in English and German. Very easily accessible by public transport (U8 stops very close!) Recommended!
twinny 6th Aug 2019

Two laps largely on tarmac, small section on cinders. Short diversion circling up and down a reasonably steep hill on second lap, be careful of cobbled drainage gullies crossing this section - could be a trip hazard on weary legs. Very welcoming!
Goofee 26th Sep 2019

Mostly flat course on tarmac paths apart from one short loop up a big hill. Very friendly team and great atmosphere.
WayOfTheDodo 13th May 2023

Two loops of the perimeter, second loop you branch off for a wee steep short hill then rejoin.
Ally-C 6th Apr 2024

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