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Edinburgh marathon - Hairy Haggis - The Royal leg 1

Sun May 31 2009
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Baza Time was from when i went over the mats at the changeover, as I managed to get over the start line in only a couple of seconds. Good start but probably a bit quick over the 1st 2 miles, bad patch in the middle but picked up again. Went through the 10K mats in 36:52, only 20 seconds outside a PB :-) held on for the last two miles from then, i think we were about 8th relay team finished on this leg. Overall time around 3:30 tbc. Well done everyone though,that was not running weather IMO, way to hot. I've read reports elsewhere about water stations running out - well we're all runners, so gripe time. I wish runners would only use ONE bottle of water at stops and think about their colleuges behind them. Yes it was hot, but one is still enough..... anyway well done everyone..
Carnegie Harriers
49:29 49:29 49:29 70.51
Dave A Hoping to go under 48 mins
50:30 50:30 50:30 68.90
JulesR Late sub for Soap & Glory. Watch/chip time from box 3 starting pretty slowly then winding up a bit towards the last couple of miles. Nice route and pretty downhill/flat, but lots of weaving in and out to make any forward progress.
Stirling Triathlon Club
56:01 56:01 56:01 68.79
Mornington Chasers
1:03:36 1:03:36 1:02:00 1:03:36 59.54
Redway Runners
58:33 1:05:56 1:05:56 52.92
mrs shanksi Got stuck behind people quite a lot in the first few miles. Really enjoyed the day though. I took some photos of Fetchies and will try and put them on here soon.
Stonehaven Running Club
1:06:01 1:06:01 1:06:01 58.21
lazybrowndog hot
1:06:34 1:06:34 1:10:00 1:06:34 52.33
Dave_K Very late sub for poorly friend. Will be running with the Funky Divas team!! My have to shave my legs for this :-)
*Update* - Had a great day. Pleased with my time.
1:07:54 1:07:54 1:05:00 1:07:54 54.46

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