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Dunstable Downs parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Desborough and Rothwell Running club
21:08 24:48 26:42 62.72

About this parkrun

Much tougher course than I expected, bigger crowd, ran with the OH.
LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺 21st Apr 2019

Muddy, Hilly and Windy... Tough Challenge this one, but the views are amazing!
crjeanes 10th Jul 2019

Tough and very varied course. Mostly run on grass or woodland paths. Single lap course with a downhill finish
Krispy 31st Aug 2019

Grass and woodland trail. No buggies or dogs. Single lap. Scenic. Worst hill is near the start then more gentle undulations. Exposed to the wind and elements in places adding to the challenge. Good parking, toilets, cafe. Enjoyable but unlikely to PB
DocM 28th Sep 2019

Best views of any parkrun, but that means being fully exposed to the elements!
BrianJ 28th Sep 2019

Beautiful one loop course. Great views
6th Nov 2019

Great parkrun - Do it!
29th Nov 2019

Dunstable ups more like, car parking is plenty however is £3.50 all day one price make a day of it however free to Nat trust members. 1 lapper more of a XC but nice course. Cafe good at the end plenty of space.
Hills of Death (HOD) 16th Oct 2022

Hilly with a little mud in just 2 places. Zero public transport - less than 2 miles to Spoons.
Foxy 29th Apr 2023

Undulating mix of grass, gravel track & tarmac paths. Stunning views. £3.50 all day parking. Worth spending time after to walk & enjoy views. Cafe by start/finish.
TrudiP 13th Jul 2024

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