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Dumfries Marathon

Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Billy-Whizz-Haining Good run, tough wind in the last 8 miles, but finished 3rd vet 50+ smashing my PB by 4 minutes
Harwich Runners
3:10:26 3:10:26 3:20:00 3:10:26 71.91
Dumfries RC
3:46:00 3:57:51 3:57:51 57.37
Grey Badger Did this race 2 years ago and its quite a flat one. Hoping to beat my PB and get as close to the holy grail of a 3 hr marathon. Training is going ok tapering down now and feeling ok.    
UPDATE..... Race went well, beat my PB by 15m 25sec. Weather was a lot better than forcast but the last 8 miles coming back home into a very fresh Northerly wind. Started steady and just tried to keep an even paced run but found myself passing people regularly. 10 miles in 65m 30sec, half marathon in 85m 28sec, 20 miles in 2hr 11min 40sec. Slowed in the last 3 or 4 miles as i was getting cramp spasms in both my calfs but hung in there to take 3rd place and first Vet. So i am over the moon with my time and position. Very well run and marshalled by Dumfries running club, a gem of a race.
Northumberland Fell Runners
2:55:28 2:55:28 3:05:00 2:55:28 75.24
Jogging Jon A great race
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
5:17:38 4:16:16 4:19:51 48.21
Runnersleep No Predictions yet. Training going ok so will give this one a go. Done it before - nice scenic route.
Done and dusted and happy with time of 3hr 45.12  Kept a steady pace until 23 when the cold really took its toll and slowed a bit. Felt it was hard going from about 15miles when the North wind was against us.

Having said that, I enjoyed the race and did this with no taper so am pleased. The course was very scenic and the organization and marshaling was excellent. Thanks to all the helpers out at the water stations who did a great job.
3:01:24 3:32:25 3:45:12 57.59
sloth 1st of the year and hopefully it will go well. got my PB here 2 years ago so i have to try again. not sure if i will come close to my 3:44 but i can try!!!

ok, didn't get close to my PB but it was a good guess for my actual finishing time. can't really ask for more than that? can i???
3:44:53 3:59:17 3:59:59 3:59:17 51.04
Ultracat Felt strong throughout the marathon.  Halfway in 2.14.  Strong cold wind the 2nd half of the race so keeping to correct pace was harder.  Disappointed with time.
Metro Aberdeen
4:18:27 4:25:15 4:35:30 53.46
Portobello RC, Scotia Race Walking Club, Bill's Jog & Walk
3:16:31 3:18:46 3:30:00 3:21:19 64.42

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