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Chadderton Hall parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
  • Rated 84%
  • 5km
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
31:24 31:24 36:45 40.84
18:40 25:01 36:46 36.52

About this parkrun

Ran this in torrential rain. Small field of runners, 4 Laps, easy parking. Hill the 4th time hurts!
twinny 17th Mar 2019

Four undulating laps, downhill at the start, along the side of the river then sharp uphill to the technical (4x90 degree right turns) rose garden and back to start finish line. Road shoes are fine.
Rrunner 27th Apr 2019

Run 4 laps with a tough short hill and a square rose garden with no roses to negotiate. Lovely river section, all on good paths. Not very busy so easy to park and cafe is excellent for afterwards.
Mandyr 24th Nov 2021

4 laps that feels like it is all uphill as the downhill part is not easy underfoot. Running around the rose garden is interesting!
BlueArmy 28th Jan 2023

Lovely people, well organised and marshalled. Fun to do.
The course is tricky -- undulating and slippy in places; some tight corners and technical sections on the flat mean this is NOT a PB kind of place. You'll have a good time, not a fast time.
gwowen 17th Apr 2023

Despite the thought of 4 laps, it really is a lovely course. Hills, tight turns, trail, paths.....a bit of everything really. Lovely cafe at the end too
gcwenn 23rd Mar 2024

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