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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Bushy Park TT 5K

Listed by Pinks
Entrants (12)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Caterpillar Planning to cycle 7 miles there, then run, so I'm giving myself an extra minute on my last time.

After the race: Pretty nice.  A lovely day.  I did well within what I planned and I think I finished a place higher than last time, but I'm actually a bit disappointed.  I got overtaken by three people in the last few hundred yards and had nothing left to fight back with.  I might have been on track to take a few seconds off the previous time.  Never mind - 20 mins is going to be my target time.
19:37 19:38 21:00 20:11 71.23
Ranelagh Harriers
19:49 19:49 20:50 64.45
Footpad Great to see all the other Fetchites. Managed to knock almost a minute off PB. The secret was a good warm up by doing the route with Gobi and Vomit first :-)
23:24 25:54 25:56 52.55
Gobi Another BP at Bushy. Surprised I did this and just ran as hard as I could. New course seems slightly longer.

Enjoyed the social as good to meet and see so many fetchies
Cannock & Stafford AC
16:16 17:41 17:41 73.78
Hollywoof! A bit surprised - thought I would dip under 21 this week... guess I wasn't paying attention enough!
20:06 20:25 21:13 61.12
Kittenheels Kath
24:32 25:06 26:34 55.51
Konaboy Set out to do 23mins & considering the all day session at Womad previous day, very happy to close in on 22mins.  Will defo be back very soon to get in under 22mins. Well done to RGP especially coming direct to the race from his nightshift.
Reading Roadrunners
21:16 22:11 22:11 60.98
19:02 20:49 21:44 60.03
Pinks Not sure if this will be a PB for me, my previous PB over 5K is set over a course where I don't think the distance was verified. Would like it to be. No promises though

*Eeek people are betting on me!!!! Please take note, not sure last 5K was a corrct distance. And I am a stone heavier than my last 5K race!!!! Really do hope to PB but I am not guaranteeing it. So sorry to all those who bet on me. First time at BPTT, good run. Nice to have a definate 5K time not a RFL 5K, as I am not sure of the one earlier this year.
36:52 36:52 36:52 37.74
Puffing Bertie
24:38 25:37
RG Postie (RGP) Mine and Konaboys first 5k and first BPTT,we both wanted 23 mins and we both came in under,so very happy considering I'd been awake nearly 20 hrs and KB had had a double helping of curry and been at a Festival all the previous day,the stag stood beside the path at around 3k was a bit of a suprise and the home straight just seemed to go on forever,good to see some old faces and some new ones too,including the infamous Gobi !
Reading Roadrunners
21:45 21:45 23:00 21:45 59.98
Stumpy Not  a PB week.  shins sore.  hopefully still be able to run.....
22:23 23:39 24:30

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