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Broadwood 5K

Entrants (12)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
-caz- 1st ever 5k road race - Blew it big time, started off way too quickly, had 3-4 walk breaks in the last 2k however I managed JUST to sneak under my predicted 26mins so bitter sweet.  Now I've a baseline to chase the next 5k I do.
23:53 23:53 26:00 25:57 50.32
Baza Never done this race before so not sure of the course but we'll see how it goes. *Update* Okay so i thought having checked last years results I may have been in with a chance of a top place finish - I right then, not tonight!! lots of Glasgow Uni and other 'West' area club runners, which is always good. Be luck yi fi was top 10. Happy with run though, nice course and well organised, will be back on 2010
Carnegie Harriers
17:07 17:07 17:30 17:27 74.11
Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
21:15 21:15 21:48 69.22
ChrisU Felt tired and jaded. Ran exactly 20 seconds slower than last time on this course 2 years ago.  Finished 8th overall.
Cambuslang Harriers, Westerlands Cross Country Club, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
16:50 17:13 17:13 82.24
Dave_K Great race and a shiny new pb. Watch says 21:51, 40 secs inside. Could'nt be happier :-)
Good to see Caz, Fatboarder, Gus & Baza.
21:51 21:51 22:30 21:51 63.33
Gus My local race
Jogscotland On The Run Cumbernauld
31:13 32:28 34:00 32:28 52.49
Mr. White Foooookery - 2 measley seconds slower than my PB, that's what I get for spitting the dummy out after 4k. Hey ho - neeeeext! Good race actually - overall quite content.
20:56 20:56 20:45 20:58 63.14
Kirkintilloch Olympians
20:32 20:32 20:32 70.59
21:38 24:13 24:13 53.63
silver birch My first ever competitive run - went off like a scalded cat and finished like a one legged tortoise .... 25:13 ...not a disaster though and fair enjoyed it....that little hill after the tunnel killed me .. stopped as if i had been shot!
Kirkintilloch Olympians
21:35 25:13 25:13 52.74
SunPrincess Mainly flat course around Broadwood Loch.
28:22 35:52 36:24 40.64
Xania Harriers, Cartha Harriers, PH Racing Club
18:08 19:42 21:33 68.89

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