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Boddington 50K

Listed by Gobi
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA

Jogged around on tired legs last year. This year I will train for it and attempt a 3hr marathon on the way. This of course assumes I make it through Comrades in 1 piece.

COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HUGE RACE PBs everywhere from 10 miles up.

Idea was 15 min laps I ran quicker early following Heather(female course record holder) She went off fast and so did I. 
A great race only issue really was the strong wind on 1 side and hammy trouble late on.

Boddington : The mission a 3:35 50K time and as close to 3hrs for a marathon on the way. The idea 7mm pace from the start trying just to pick time up along the way.

The facts: Ran way too fast from the off trying to keep HowFar and Heather in my sights as she planned to run 3:35 ish and I know HF is a 3:20 something runner.

I had a great view of the race between the two ladies for most of the first half of the race, I have never seen 2 people race an ultra from the first stride but they were side by side from step one.

By the third lap a few things were obvious to me, my foot was sore even though I had numb gelled it and I was running like a bat out of hell. Conclusion was, keep going and keep working you can obviously handle the pace. By lap 7 I was as usual alone between HF etc and the people chasing me and still running around 14 mins a lap.
The nice thing about laps is you can have a quick hello to everyone you know and yell some encouragement at each other. I’m sure people telling me I was looking good helped to keep me pushing. I caught HF around lap 10 as his wheels had come off(I am sure he will work out why and be back faster than ever)  I reached the end of lap 12 and got a few surprises, I could see Heather ahead of me and slowing badly, I was finally lapped by the first 2 runners and to cap it off  my left hamstring(not allegedly the bad one) started to tighten. Oh and my foot was sore. I decided there and then that I was inside 3:35 pace and I could try to save the hamstring so I slowed a little and adjusted my running style to try to put less pressure on the leg. I reached the drinks table on lap13 and had a drink and a stretch and this got me through that lap. On the last lap I again stopped at the drinks table and stretched. I passed heather here and gave words of encouragement as I knew we were both still on for sub 3:35. On the long windy straight I was passed by 2 guys who had obviously paced themselves well but I was not going after them as my hammy was sore and my foot was screaming. One more stretch on the road to the finish and I was there. HUGE PB and loads of satisfaction.

I still don’t seem to have a pacing strategy of my own for 50 or 56K races I’d like to say it is a bad thing but it keeps me running faster. I’m sure with a few more races I will be able to pace better and some good gym work and physio will hopefully remove the hamstring problem.
Cannock & Stafford AC
3:29:58 3:29:58 3:40:00 3:29:58 70.01
plodding hippo Boddington 50k Report-August 2006

This was always going to be a tall order only 4 weeks after the 52 mile challenge.
There was a worrying record for previous 52 mile challengers dropping out of this race in the past-but we did seem to have the weather on our side---it was cloudy and only 20 degrees, as opposed to the usual searing heat which usually accompanies this race.
As we walked the half mile or so to the start line(bloody extra distance-why???), we passed the 5 k runners finishing their race, much to the consternation of the cattle in the field who were trying to keep up with them!
I chatted nervously to a few people I knew, but the gremlins were shouting loudly, and I just wanted to get on with the race.I was concerned about being allowed to finish-there was a 6 hour time limit on this race, and I didn’t know how  lenient the organisers would be with a slower runner like me.If I wasn’t allowed to finish, it probably wouldn’t count for the 100 club.My anxiety was intensified when I realised that Shades hadnt turned up at the race.She is a champion of slower runners and would have put in a word for me with the organisers.
The start was low key-but since this was a short ultra run on pretty flat road, the pace was brisk.

I was givng run walk one last try in this-run to one mile, and walk to desired pace.
Despite setting desired pace at 11.30 min miles, I did the first 2 miles in 21 minutes
And I was well and truly at the back!
Passing the lap counters, I made sure I was running strongly, and looking relaxed-insurance for being allowed to continue-------------
At 3 miles, I had no-ne in front of, or behind me, and I did momentarily wonder if id gone the wrong way.
And then came the leading group to lap me.
I always say that one of the benefits of loop ultras is that you get to see the elites, to say nothing of all the encouragement you get form those who lap you.Ultras are amazing events for this
No exception this time.
I stuck to my plan, and managed 11.30 minute miles up to 9 miles.
But from mile 5 I was feeling dreadful
At first I simply thought it was my need to warm up(takes me 3 –4 miles these days).I talked myself through what I thought was a temporary bad patch-but it just carried on.
Gobi flew by shouting encouragement, I swear he was flying!
Other runners passed me, almost everyone had a word for me
But I really couldn’t seem to get into any sort of flow.
No reason really, it was cool, the course was flat, and we even had energy drinks every 2.2 miles.I didn’t even have trott issues!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet it was a huge struggle
At this point, I caught up another lady who was actually struggling more than I was.Further snatched conversation established that she had done 2 marathons, in times not dissimilar to mine.her ain was the MDS, and this was her first ultra.Encouraging another runner helped for a coul,e of miles, but her pace felt a little slow to me, and so I had to push on.I hope she finished, but im not sure she did.
The 8 mile  bad patch hit, and I started to wonder if I should pull out.I wsant sure I would even complete a marathon in under 6 hours, and there would be really NO point being asked to retire at 23 miles.
By 10 miles, my pace had dropped to 13-14 minute miles.I wasn’t running/walking to any plan, and I had to make a decision.
I decided to wait another lap, and see how bad the 12 mile patch was-----
And then Mick and Phil finally caught me.They looked very relaxed, and there was certainly no question of dropping out in front of them!
And of course I had to put on a brave face for the lap counters, especially since they seemed to have acquired an announcer who called out our name and club!

By 12 miles, my thighs started to protest violently.It may have been psychological, but I was sure I could feel the effects of the 52 miler-even though that was the first thigh pain id had after that race(although my longest run since had only been 8 miles).
Decision time
When I reached the half marathon point in 2.34, I knew I could do a sub 6 hour marathon
So that’s what I decided to do
I would run for 6 hours and see how far I got
It would count as a marathon in my tally-if not for the 100 club.

There was energy drink at the water station, but neither it, nor the jellybeans seemed to be helping me.Time for the Red Bull.By dint of secreting this in the long grass, I managed to get down a whole can over the next 3 laps, and it seemed to help at least  keep me going.Runners kept passing me, calling out encoragement.One by one, they gradually peeled off , turning right to do their final lap.
I had no idea what would happen at the cutoff point, but kept smiling at the lap counters and trying to pretend I wasnt suffering.In truth, I was barely running more than 20-30 seconds at a time once out of their eyesight.
I was hoping I would get my usual “second wind” at 18 miles, and clung on grimly awaiting this.It didn’t happen---------------

However, I felt no worse than I had felt for the las13 miles, so carried on run walking
Amazingly, I got to marathon point in 5.37!!!!!!!!!!
By this time I was taking just under 30 minutes for each lap-and this was consistent.I asked the lap counters what would happen about the 6 hour cut off.I would have been quite happy to stop at marathon point, given that this wouldn’t count for 100 club anyway if I didn’t finish.The marshal just laughed and said that as long as I was on the last lap by 6 hours it would be ok.When I pointed out this was impossible given my current pace, he simply advised me to do another lap, and “just see”.To this day, Im still not sure why I did.The water station helpers and marshal at the road turn wwere still there, and still encoraging me.As far as they were concerened, they would stay until I had finished.That was so kind!!!!

Penultimate lap somehow completed, and it was now 6 hours and 10 minutes
There were new people at the lap counting point, who told me that the timekeepers had gone.
I didn’t know what to do-turn right and run the last ¾ mile to the finish, or continue.I asked for advice.Grudgingly, I was told to “go on then, and do the last one”
On the last lap, I became aware of a car very close behind me.I stopped and explained that I was honestly all right, it was only another 2.5 miles to go, and I wasn’t in any distress.But that car had been told to follow me to the end.Im sorry to be ungrateful-but that last lap was really distressing.I felt very pressurised to try and run more than my body wanted to, because I could hear the cars engine overheating as it crawled behind me.I suppose it produced a 12minute mile!
Then it was my turn to go right instead of left.The road Id walked down to the start seemed to be endless.The cattle watched bemused as I stagered past their field.And then I saw the finish line, and a man with a stopwatch.They were still there!
Average 13 min miles
I should be pleased with that on a time basis, but it certainly wasn’t one of my better races pyschologically.At least it will count for the 100 club.

Thankoyu to all the lovely marshals, and to the organisers for letting me finish.

100 Marathon Club
5:38:15 6:45:10 6:45:10 40.11
Rhino My first ultra :o) Was great to see the same friendly faces again and again as they kept passing me! Until it suddenly went all quiet out there! Great fun. And nice to have good company for a while at the beginning, thanks TMW and Pam.
Trail Running Association
5:22:30 5:22:30 5:22:30 48.57
Turbo doesnt count Attempt number 2 at an Ultra, please don't be hot!

It wasn't hot, in fact as close as you get to perfect with maybe a bit too strong a headwind on one section although it was refreshing!

Started off aiming for 8.30-8.45 miling and managed to do so until mile 22, bit sticky for a lap but recovered for a marathon time of 3.59.45 and a 50k time of 4.59.07, more than happy with that!

Excellent race, good to see the whippets and gage how quickly they ctually go, as opposed to seeing them go off into the distance as with most races, a bit upsetting to be lapped 5 times though!!

Very sociable race with all levels of runner asking after each other throughout, would recommend it to anyone mad enough to think a marathon isn't quite far enough!!
Aldridge RC
4:59:07 4:59:07 4:59:07 50.66

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