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Bayer Newbury 10K

Listed by btr_beri
  • Rated 84%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (14)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Reading Roadrunners, Serpentine RC
36:08 37:19 37:19 70.98
43:12 45:13 45:00 45:13 68.00
Hungerford Hares
42:53 43:54 45:00 43:54 60.14
davidbrandx bloody warm!
Newbury AC
50:03 50:03 50:03 59.87
54:46 54:46 1:04:00 43.29
Newbury AC
1:04:09 1:04:09 1:07:14 43.13
Swindon Harriers
42:39 44:13 45:00 47:10 55.97
44:39 44:39 48:31 59.72
Jonny My worst time for a road 10k but was actually quite pleased with it.  I had run 23.6 miles during the previous 2 days and another 4 miles to get to the start.  I haven't done any intervals for a while either.

Splits (gradually got faster and kept going past other runners after the first km)
7.21, 7.20, 7.10, 7.17, 7.16, 7.05 & 6.10 pace for the last bit)
38:55 43:40 45:03 58.94
Love Swimrun 🏊‍♂️ 🚴‍
38:52 40:02 42:29 69.35
Mr Chops
41:27 41:27 44:55 59.32
Puffin1 Very hot and sunny day, first 3 km were up hill and un shaded, missed target of 6 min kms.  After this the route was flatter, but still hot and while some time was made back I could not reduced the times by much.

Only 1 water station, no water carried, no gels used.
1:03:44 1:03:44 1:00:00 1:03:44 45.30
runner duck gun time - took about 20-30secs to get over start line.

this was uncomfortably hot - and i am a total wimp with heat, can't even sit in it so no chance running :-0

so pleased overall with time.
51:04 55:14 58:00 57:51 53.15
47:52 49:13 49:00 49:13 63.02

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