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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Barry Track 40

Listed by Gobi
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Glevum Runner My PB is 5:12:18 set in 2005 and 2007 was a year of injuries so wanted to get back to form and break my PB.
Set off at a fast pace (for me) running around with Ultra Gobi. Anyway knew I probably could not keep pace up all the way with him. Had shoe problems and blister on instep. Changed shoes just before half way mark. Then had problems having to go to the toilet every half hour. Kept building up a lead on other runners and then come out of loo to find myself behind. Definately could have gone under 5 hours otherwise. |Second in Welsh Championship behind UG.
Gloucester AAC, Road Runners Club
4:53:18 5:11:29 5:12:00 5:11:29 68.12
Gobi Welsh Championships planned pace run. Should be a PB. THE G MAN DELIVERS

Report from the Barry 40 

Total time 4.38.54 (within a second or two)

Splits of Note

20 miles 2.15.05
Mara 2.56.54
30miles 3.23.51
50km 3.31 ish(PB is 3.29.58)
35miles 3.59.45(about 7mins inside my PB)

I won the Welsh Championship and was 6th overall. Moved up from 10th in the second half of the race.

Issues with bladder forced 7 toilet breaks at approx 45 seconds a go including 2 sit down stops. Hail storm around 15miles made me think about bugging out. Was apparent I would be first Welshbloke after about 15miles as I pulled a couple of laps out on the second Welsh bloke. For 25miles I was very strong and all the way to 35 I was good but last 5 I was tired so got lazy and clock watched my slowing pace doing enough to secure the wanted sub 4.40. 

I still need to sort out my fluids and food as I do not drink enough

All in all though a good effort quite well paced with my 3rd sub3 of the season thrown in.

Quick read back tells me of great performances from Marders and JAP and
Cannock & Stafford AC
4:38:54 4:38:54 4:40:00 4:38:54 73.33

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