26.2 RRC Valentine's 10K

Sun February 12 2006
Listed by Max71
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Andrew Satisfactory time - nothing special.I tired and slowed in the last 3 K, or I could have got close to 49:00.Oddly,after 6K I felt hungry.For breakfast I had toast,cornflakes and muesli,and an orange.Maybe I should add a couple of bananas to that.It is the most important meal of the day... Is anyone reading this?Fascinating stuff isn't it?
43:52 48:26 49:28 60.06
are we there yet? Still trying for that sub 60
58:39 1:00:02 1:02:00 1:01:45 48.51
Badger Treating this as part of preparing for the Reading half marathon. Time was OK. Weather a bit wet.
46:34 50:13 55:50 49.07
Duncs woohoo!
100 Marathon Club, Highland Hill Runners
43:16 43:46 50:00 47:18 56.83
Fishface Happy with time - like others used it as a training run for FLM - so I've not been training for 10K's - and only 16secs outside PB. Fast Course and rain was not a problem.
42:22 42:38 45:00 42:38 63.05
Sandhurst Joggers
48:18 49:33 50:00 52.82
Lalli Really pleased to break my 58 minute barrier! 8 or so minutes faster than last year!
Eastbourne Rovers AC
51:51 55:48 57:00 56:55 54.60
Max71 I managed a PB by over 2 minutes so I'm fairly happy.  I had wanted a 65 but got a 69 hmph!!  The rain was only a problem when I finished, but that was soon forgotten when I ran out of fuel in the car park on my way out!!!

Sneaky hill at 7k that I managed to run all the way then stalled about 25meters from the 8k sign!! still only walked 150 meters in total for the whole thing.  I'm pleased with that.

A personal best, but not the target i had set......must try harder!!!
57:02 1:00:49 1:18:00 1:09:24 43.29
RG Postie (RGP) A pretty hairy drive from Reading to Chessington (M3,M25) because of the weather (I've only got a little car) was the start to the day after little sleep,have mixed feelings about the race,I didn't have the greatest of starts (I slipped and went arse over tit) and had tight calves right from the word go,the roads weren't closed and some of the drivers were very impatient around the 1-2k mark.The course was nicely undulating for the first 6k,then they threw in a few hills from around 7k to the finish just to finish you off. On a positive note,I thought I had taken it steady so suprised and pleased with a time of 48:19 (start line to finish line on the watch) but more importantly the shins held out and I had no pain. Bumped into another Fetchite at the start and finish,said hi but didn't get his name (think it might have been Greg).All in all a good run just a shame about the weather.
Reading Roadrunners
45:48 45:48 48:19 55.14

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