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One of the nicest bits of the day. A massive cheer went up, and the runners scattered to either side of the road as Mick and Phil came through to huge cheers. Big lump in throat moment. (Pic from Sussex Sport Photography - have you bought one yet?)
12th Mar 2009 by fetcheveryone
12th Mar 2009 at 10:28am
McNewbie: great photo of a brilliant moment (i missed it, i was still on my way and too short to see anything from the back!) -
12th Mar 2009 at 10:56am
JJ Flash: Got something in my eye now, reliving it -
12th Mar 2009 at 12:56pm
Yorkshire Mince Pie: Nice pic, even though I'm on it -
13th Mar 2009 at 10:12pm
Johnny Blaze: Deffo one for the RW article!