May 2020
1:57pm, 23 May 2020
First-time poster!!
Roughly how long does it take for an import to appear in the training log? Approx 130 files in a zip. Thanks
May 2020
2:08pm, 23 May 2020
24,075 posts
Ey up It really depends on how much is ahead of it in the queue. Just now there were about 2000 pieces of training in the queue, as we’ve had a whole load of new users in the last couple of days
The ZIP imports do come in at a bit of a trickle, but at a rough guess, it processes about 100 per hour.
May 2020
2:09pm, 23 May 2020
24,076 posts
And welcome to FE
May 2020
2:11pm, 23 May 2020
2 posts
May 2020
3:19pm, 23 May 2020
34,908 posts
Hope they're all in now gamble - brilliant thing about is that Mr FE himself turns up to help you! Welcome to Fetch. Any questions, just ask.
Cheers, G
May 2020
3:49pm, 23 May 2020
24,077 posts
There are 1872 items ahead of your batch of 272 files, gamble.
As the queue is bigger than normal, I've just turned up the speed a bit. It *was* doing 2 per minute, but now it's doing 10 per minute. I'll keep one eye on it, to make sure it's happy about that
May 2020
6:18pm, 23 May 2020
24,078 posts
558 ahead of you now
May 2020
6:25pm, 23 May 2020
6,506 posts
I like this system, you know when you are ringing a call centre and you are told you are number N in the queue, why don't they all do that?
May 2020
6:27pm, 23 May 2020
24,079 posts
I've just added something to the importer - when anyone uploads a ZIP file, it will estimate how long it'll take for all your files to appear.
May 2020
6:43pm, 23 May 2020
14,621 posts
It's all about the personal service. In a non-Cynthia Payne sort of way.