Sep 2007
10:53am, 3 Sep 2007
4,715 posts
people who dont read out phone numbers in the 5-digit, 6- digit format
fair enough in london or the cities with your funny 4-digit area codes, but for the rest of us...
...i will accept various permutations of the 6-digit part (xxx, xxx or xx,xx,xx) and i will make special exceptions for double and triple numbers but if you tell me your phone number is: xx, xx, xxx, xxx, x, x
then i will have to re-read it as: xxxxx, xxx,xxx
so why not just say it like that to start with and make MY life so much easier.
Sep 2007
10:54am, 3 Sep 2007
5,084 posts
Except if they are French and then the xx xx xx xx is acceptable
But what about mobiles riga?
Sep 2007
10:57am, 3 Sep 2007
425 posts
Another vote for clingfilm from me.
And people who stand on the wrong side of the tube escalator.
Sep 2007
10:58am, 3 Sep 2007
12,376 posts
I don't know what you mean, Riga?
The area code for Leeds is 4 digit, same for a lot of places (Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool, Nottingham....)
Sep 2007
11:01am, 3 Sep 2007
854 posts
Totally with you on this one Riga. When I ask someone to read me out a mobile so I can write it down I expect the 5 digit code followed by the 6 digit number. Really annoys me when people read it 4 digit, 4 digit, 3 digit. Grrrr.
Sep 2007
11:03am, 3 Sep 2007
855 posts
People who drive in the middle lane of a motorway because if they get in the left lane it would be so annoying for them to have to overtake someone in 5 minutes time.
Sep 2007
11:06am, 3 Sep 2007
856 posts
People who have queued for 10 minutes at a cash machine, then when it's their turn, stand there for ages working out how much they want to take out.
People who use two or more cards at a cash machine
People who print out a mini statement at a cash machine, then read it in detail before removing their card and leaving.
Sep 2007
11:11am, 3 Sep 2007
22,436 posts
LOL @ cafe gandolfi Phants
Sep 2007
11:20am, 3 Sep 2007
4,716 posts
puds - for people who live 'in the countryside' telephone numbers have a 5 digit area code, then a 6 digit individual number!
Sep 2007
11:22am, 3 Sep 2007
4,717 posts
CT - mobiles are the same (or every one i have ever rung is)
if they are abroad, i will accept both +44 and 0044 formats