Mar 2012
5:18pm, 13 Mar 2012
9,831 posts
Mr Fetch
A couple of comments/request about the ranking and WAVA tables: * I am sure it is possible to have an algorithm that removes the 'wrong' times. Some triathlons are put as running races which make people sometimes go faster than world records. Also some people mis-record their times (instead of hh:mm:ss, they use 00:hh:mm) or any other shenanigans. I think it would be great if there was a way of seeing the tables with those results filtered out ...
* for the WAVA ranking tables it would be great to be able to separate age categories and gender? It is possible for the normal rankings so, should be easy for the WAVA ones also?
Mar 2012
5:21pm, 13 Mar 2012
13,344 posts
I thought one of the main selling points about WAVA was that it was a good way of comparing performances across age/ gender groups?
Mar 2012
6:03pm, 13 Mar 2012
9,638 posts
I see top of marathon rankings is obviously their time for a 10k, and second ranking person is sub 2 hours, probably did the half. Not sure lord fetch can keep checking folks times all the time.
Mar 2012
6:07pm, 13 Mar 2012
9,832 posts
well i am sure he can filter results for wavas that are > 100%? or that are out of the ordinary, I am sure there are algorithms for that ...
Mar 2012
6:30pm, 13 Mar 2012
18,175 posts
Why don't you send feedback, he may miss this thread.
Mar 2012
7:32pm, 13 Mar 2012
12,021 posts
So I shouldn't count my new marathon PB that I did on the bike?
May 2013
9:19am, 1 May 2013
2,151 posts
Jovi Runner
Just a quick query. I spotted that some ladies in my age group on Power of 10 have a marathon ranking for BArcelona marathon showing on the list. I recently ran the Thessaloniki marathon which was an IAAF AIMS registered race but that doesn't seem to be included. Does anyone know why/how overseas events are included/excluded?
May 2013
9:38am, 1 May 2013
6,753 posts
The Teaboy
WAVAs - it is possible to record a WAVA over 100% as they are taken from the 7th best time in an official race, not the age group best. This has actually been done in an LFOTM5k (to my knowledge) by an FV65 runner - Cecilia Morrison.
There is some logic to asking for the WAVAs to be filterable by age group as although it is the best method of comparing genders and age groups, it is biased towards vets and females simply through the numbers of very top end elite runners in each category, i.e. SM and MV35 age groups have more depth and therefore a greater clustering of times than the other age groups. Certainly in my running club, the best WAVAs are achieved by those in the higher categories where the age scores may be a little 'softer' than the elite male records. Over a long period of time this will alter, as there is more data generated, it is just a fact of life at the moment.
May 2013
9:46am, 1 May 2013
3,725 posts
Incidentally Teaboy, Ceal - who you refer to above and is a mate of mine - ran over 100% WAVAs several times - on her way to new world records for her age group.
The data is updated every five years or so - and it usually becomes more difficult to get the high scores, especially in the controversial women 45 and upwards distance running times. As you suggest more data is generated all the time and more women over 40 are competing or continuing to compete.
May 2013
10:00am, 1 May 2013
1,788 posts
Jovi - for Po10 just use the submit result button on your login page and go through the steps. I got my time added that way