ultra waterproof jackets

3 watchers
Jan 2012
7:54pm, 29 Jan 2012
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+1 for Montane Featherlite. Works a treat and packs tiny.
Feb 2012
11:50am, 1 Feb 2012
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Montaine featherlight is great but not fully waterproof, on the plus size it rolls into a pouch, on the downside it doesn't have pockets which some people like

I also have a Gore Mythos goretex jacket which is waterproof, it is slightly heavier but I don't find it too hot in the winter, I also wore it out in the cold yesterday and it was great!!!
Feb 2012
11:51am, 1 Feb 2012
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Montaine featherlight is great but not fully waterproof, on the plus size it rolls into a pouch, on the downside it doesn't have pockets which some people like

I also have a Gore Mythos goretex jacket which is waterproof, it is slightly heavier but I don't find it too hot in the winter, I also wore it out in the cold yesterday and it was great!!!
Feb 2012
11:51am, 1 Feb 2012
4 posts
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Montaine featherlight is great but not fully waterproof, on the plus size it rolls into a pouch, on the downside it doesn't have pockets which some people like

I also have a Gore Mythos goretex jacket which is waterproof, it is slightly heavier but I don't find it too hot in the winter, I also wore it out in the cold yesterday and it was great!!!
Feb 2012
11:52am, 1 Feb 2012
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Montaine featherlight is great but not fully waterproof, on the plus size it rolls into a pouch, on the downside it doesn't have pockets which some people like

I also have a Gore Mythos goretex jacket which is waterproof, it is slightly heavier but I don't find it too hot in the winter, I also wore it out in the cold yesterday and it was great!!!
Feb 2012
11:53am, 1 Feb 2012
6 posts
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oops sorry i think my PC had a blip
Feb 2012
12:05pm, 1 Feb 2012
34 posts
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Good point Touie, my mistake... Montane minimus is the one I have! Which is a cracking jacket.

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Maintained by jacko

i'm looking at buying a lightweight waterproof jacket for ultra running.

which are the mo...

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