Nov 2013
11:46am, 6 Nov 2013
101 posts
I was wondering if anyone has thoughts on how you incorporate running with a buggy into your training schedule.
I ran with our elder child just a supplemental Saturday morning thing as I was in full-time work. With our younger child, I'm about to be off for a while and potentially could run on many weekday mornings as part of the school run - to the park - feed the ducks kind of routine.
So I did just wonder whether anyone has tried incorporating buggy running into their "quality" sessions - doing threshold pace or longish runs for example. Or whether you would see it as supplemental easy running and adjust your other running accordingly (e.g. 2-3 miles easy buggy run 5 days a week...but three really focused quality sessions like intervals, threshold and a long run without a buggy...)
I have a good running buggy (BOB Ironman), a baby who is old enough for it etc. I just can't quite figure out whether I'm going to end up doing loads of slow, short runs that are fun activities for us but essentially junk from a training POV. I have a HM in January to focus the mind....
Any thoughts from running parents?
Nov 2013
12:24pm, 6 Nov 2013
1,062 posts
I would say def do your long runs with the buggy as it makes you stronger, I did folksworth 15 with running buggy and it only slowed me by 2-3 mins and f15 is a hilly race!!!
Try doing some intervals etc you may just have to slightly alter the paces, I did a parkrun at the weekend in a watch time of 23.58, and will look at doing some more runs soon
Nov 2013
9:30pm, 6 Nov 2013
102 posts
Thanks Gaubfar. Gosh well done. I hadn't thought of racing, I have to admit. But my local parkrun is lovely so I might give that a go!
Nov 2013
1:00pm, 7 Nov 2013
1,063 posts
as long as you contact race organisers (not parkruns) in advance most are happy for you to race
Nov 2013
2:17pm, 27 Nov 2013
103 posts
Hello, just to update this....
I've done a few buggy runs this week, including one "threshold" rather than the usual relaxed, steady (slow) run.
Managed to do the 3 threshold miles at average of 08.28 pace, whereas my threshold pace would usually be about 07.55. But it still felt like flaming hard work.
So I'm going to see whether the 30 secs per min/mile slower rule holds true. Some of that drag is down to negotiating curbs and corners of course.
Not attempted intervals yet and I think I'll swerve hill reps enitrely, give or take doing a hilly parkrun....
Nov 2013
3:06pm, 29 Nov 2013
1,070 posts
Are you enjoying it OJ
Aug 2014
10:18pm, 8 Aug 2014
71 posts
I know this is an old thread, but going to resurrect it anyway.
a) I consider running with the buggy a form of cross-training, which means it can supplement running, but not completely replace it. I'll often do a 5 miler or longer with the buggy, maybe threshold, but never speedwork. Firstly, the buggy (BOB Revolution) is a bit twitchy at speedwork pace, and secondly it alters my form too much. b) I've got a double BOB too. That's *definitely* cross-training, more like weight-lifting when you go round corners. c) I don't race until my children are old enough to tell me if there's a problem, because I'm far too competitive, and don't want to get carried away at their expense!
My 5K parkrun is less than a minute faster without the buggy - though I've done quite a few buggy runs, and only one 5K solo, so there's more room for improvement on the faster time.
For threshold runs round town, it can be more like 40 seconds to a minute per mile difference, because it's more stop start (crossing roads and so forth), and accelerating the thing takes a lot of effort.
Sep 2014
3:58pm, 15 Sep 2014
106 posts
Interesting, thanks Nutkey.
Sorry for thread abandonment. I didn't spend much time online whislt full-time mummy-ing. I'm slightly surprised that you can do parkrun so fast with a buggy (your profile says your 5K pb is 19 mins, does this mean you can buggy run it in 20??). By contrast, I can do my local parkrun, which is hilly in 23-23.30 without a buggy. Never managed faster than 25 without.
What strikes me about buggy running is that it's the ultimate progression training. Your passenger gets heavier by the week. Mine is now 2 years old so I do really feel those hills!
Gaubfar - I have enjoyed it. I have to say that I had forgotten how exhausting babies and toddlers can be when I asked this question. Coping with sleep deprivation and the unpredictability of meeting two children's needs really meant that buggy running gave me an option to run in spite of it all. The schedule was a bit academic really!
Sep 2014
4:11pm, 15 Sep 2014
6,426 posts
who was it on the telly recently that said be careful when you run with a buggy cos it looks like you're stealing a baby?!!
Sep 2014
5:04pm, 15 Sep 2014
79 posts
@OJ Local park run is Cambridge which is almost dead flat. A minute and half slower with a buggy over a hilly course sounds pretty good to me!