Jul 2012
9:21am, 5 Jul 2012
11,413 posts
I agree on the point about showing the current week - I'll get that changed.
I think I will make the benchmarks minigraphs show maybe 8-10 columns - so it'll miss out a few if you're covering longer distances.
Those of you with missing graphs - could you check them this morning, and let me know which ones aren't visible.
PFF - that'll be the idea with some of them - a link through to a more detailed analysis option.
Greg - do you mean in the 'normal' training log - or would you like some sort of summary representation of the current week's training?
Paul - quite right. In fact, as I only make this site for you, and no-one else matters, I will delete all those other graphs right this minute
Jul 2012
9:35am, 5 Jul 2012
2,437 posts
Wriggling Snake
all the ones I configured are there
Jul 2012
9:37am, 5 Jul 2012
3,422 posts
Showing fewer columns on the benchmark minigraphs makes sense (or at least not labelling all of the columns that are there)
Jul 2012
9:40am, 5 Jul 2012
61,345 posts
Herr Fetch - My feeling is as stated thusly. We are used to seeing the 'normal' training log broken down by months - most of us (especially 'vanilla' runners) love our monthly totals - but most training plans are based on weeks - so it would be lovely to do either - a 'week view' or 'month view' toggle.
Jul 2012
9:57am, 5 Jul 2012
11,414 posts
In terms of providing a start and end date for the listing, that would be pips - I can just calculate the start and end of the week, rather than the month. I'm thinking more about the logistics of the navigation. The monthly view uses the monthly totals that I've pre-stored in a summary table in the database - but so far I don't store weekly totals in the same way. Anyway... perhaps that needs a different thread, to avoid derailing this one.
Jul 2012
10:59am, 5 Jul 2012
11,416 posts
I've made some changes this morning, to make my maintenance of the system easier, and to prepare for allowing you to configure the timebase on the relevant graphs. So if you check the URL of e.g. the weekly totals graphs, you'll see now that they have some parameters. If those of you that are still listening could kick the tyres a bit today, that'd be great. Ta.
Jul 2012
11:06am, 5 Jul 2012
3,428 posts
Fiddling with the timeframe in the url seems to do the right thing for me. (It also works on the splits graph in the training view page - I sometimes fiddle with the url there to compare times for the 1st and 2nd half where the distance isn't a round number, like a half or full marathon)
Jul 2012
11:14am, 5 Jul 2012
11,417 posts
Great, ta. I'm about to switch the rolling graphs over to a parameterised view. In my haste to get this up yesterday, I went down the route of taking three duplicates of the same code, and changing the parameters in each duplicate. *smacks own forehead*
Jul 2012
11:16am, 5 Jul 2012
3,429 posts
Call it rapid prototyping and don't sweat it
Jul 2012
11:17am, 5 Jul 2012
1,127 posts
I thought I would ask in here, sorry if I should have started a seperate thread but it is part of training. When I upload from my Garmin, it imports the training run, and also the route (so added to my route list is "imported from whatever date". How can I stop it importing the route?