May 2020
12:57pm, 22 May 2020
502 posts
Bit slack lately, light...
May 2020
4:01pm, 22 May 2020
6,858 posts
Ooh nice. I was trying to remember what it was today.
May 2020
4:39pm, 22 May 2020
17,671 posts
Thought about doing a photo that would do L, M and N. Brought tears to my eyes.
May 2020
4:44pm, 22 May 2020
17,672 posts
Light. Nice and sunny today
May 2020
4:46pm, 22 May 2020
17,673 posts
Through the trees and onto the floor
May 2020
4:48pm, 22 May 2020
17,674 posts
An old one, but a favourite
May 2020
4:55pm, 22 May 2020
6,859 posts
Lol! Great photos. The power station is stunning
May 2020
5:08pm, 22 May 2020
504 posts
Old lamp
Light through the holes in a leaf (They were not for staying still today)
Light as a feather
Fairground lights
A 70s light shade in a caravan
May 2020
7:21pm, 22 May 2020
50 posts
Love the 70s shade COTH. I found some fancy street lights.
May 2020
7:24pm, 22 May 2020
8,048 posts
Just a short run for me tonight and nothing particularly struck me on the theme of light, but here is a picture of the evening sun.