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Something beginning with....

23 watchers
May 2020
5:31am, 20 May 2020
496 posts
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Well done everyone and for Em for catching up. I'm a bit late with my Illustrations...

May 2020
1:24pm, 20 May 2020
227 posts
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Seven bundles of joyfulness
May 2020
2:43pm, 20 May 2020
763 posts
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Oh SarahWoo!! They are gorgeous!

I feed 'MY' ducks nearly every day, and while I was out of action, I pestered ishep to check in on them, I was so worried they were going to have chicks and I would miss them! They haven't yet! phew!
May 2020
3:03pm, 20 May 2020
228 posts
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BarefootEm.... there’s two more pairs of swans on this Loch that I’m waiting on for more cygnets 😀
May 2020
5:48pm, 20 May 2020
17,656 posts
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There is a swan nesting that i frequently pass, no sign of signets yet. They raised 6 last year and all survived the winter.
May 2020
5:49pm, 20 May 2020
17,657 posts
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This garden always cheers me up, they used to have a sign that said "Posher than our neighbours"

May 2020
5:52pm, 20 May 2020
17,658 posts
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this superhero robin is raising money for the local hospital Children's Ward

May 2020
5:53pm, 20 May 2020
17,659 posts
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and the joyous Mr Jolly (who does central heating servicing)
May 2020
6:28pm, 20 May 2020
499 posts
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Wonder what idiot in the thread came up with that one in their four word contribution?

Oh, that would have been one of us 🤦

Guess, when we did it, we weren't under quite the black shadow that has been here since the weekend...

But, seeing as it is world bee day today, we find cheer in the many insects and bees that are taking advantage of the fact that the council has stopped mowing. So grass areas are now covered in a carpet of flowers.

Uncut verges, which are full of flowers and pollinators.

Brightly coloured bee hives.

A wriggly bee (focus fuzzy because they were not for staying still)

A wonderful 2 storey window giraffe
May 2020
6:29pm, 20 May 2020
6,846 posts
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Aww those cygnets are lovely!

Good pics Chrisity

Lovely long walk with SweetPea today, lots of time to chat, exploring ideas.That was joyful in itself.

These flowers at a nearby house bring me joy

Glorious landscape and SweetPea

A splendid, furry cow. I wouldn't get any closer, but she was very pretty, as cows go.

About This Thread

Maintained by BareHeadEm
The ever evolving thread... Every other day a new theme based on the alphabet, get your suggestions in!

3/7 Angle
5/7 Beauty
7/7 Creepy-crawly
9/7 Direction
11/7 Egg
13/7 Fire
15/7 Green (because yellow was so successful!)
17/7 House
19/7 Inside
21/7 Jumble
23/7 Keepsake
25/7 Ledge
27/7 Mine
29/7 Nail
31/7 Oasis

6/6 - Architecture
7/6 - Brickwork
8/6 - Curve
9/6 - Dates
10/6 - Empty
11/6 - Fish
12/6 - Gap
13/6 - High
14/6 - Irregular
15/6 - Jump
16/6 - Kicker
17/6 - Leaves
18/6 - Miniscule
19/6 - Naughty
20/6 - Obstacle
21/6 - Patina
22/6 - Quirky
23/6 - Rocks
24/6 - Steps
25/6 - Ties
26/6 - Uniform
27/6 - Vine
29/6 - Water
30/6 - X marks the spot
1/7 - Yellow
2/7 - Zebra
  • Show full description...

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