Jun 2017
1:47pm, 13 Jun 2017
29,493 posts
"Rothfuss role-plays a character named Viari (whose appearance is based on Kvothe's) in the Penny Arcade's live Dungeons & Dragons games (also known as Acquisitions Inc.) from season 7 onward, as well as a guest role as Driebus Beestinger in its spin-off show "The 'C' Team". He also role-plays a guest character Kerrek, a human Paladin, in Geek and Sundry's show Critical Role episode 56, "Hope" and again in episodes 81-84 and recorded a letter his character wrote which was heard in episode 69, "Passed Through Fire""
I understand about every fifth word in that
Jun 2017
11:14am, 22 Jun 2017
13,203 posts
Just noting here that I'm reading "The God of Small Things" and enjoying it very much so far, although having a hard job remembering how everyone is related to everyone else.
Jun 2017
10:13am, 26 Jun 2017
7,641 posts
Little Nemo
Possible mild spoilers for The Reluctant Fundamentalist below!
I didn't mind the you narration of The Reluctant Fundamentalist or the idea of it happening over one mammoth cafe session and up until the last chapter I enjoyed it. I have 2 quibbles though, one minor and one major. The minor quibble, do Americans really drink tea? The major quibble was the ending. This was partly my fault as I was expecting a massive reveal which didn't really happen, instead it just petered out. I think it might have worked better if the last section was explored more and had been longer.
Jun 2017
1:21pm, 30 Jun 2017
93,847 posts
Steelheart (The Reckoners, #1)
by Brandon Sanderson
Harmless and unmemorable, but fun while it lasted. Three stars seems mean, but four seems over-generous. It was a deeply silly book, but also rather charming. I don't really understand the science-free world of superheroes at the best of times, so I had to constantly remind myself not to expect things to make any sense. Which is just as well, because they didn't. At all.
Jun 2017
5:54pm, 30 Jun 2017
13,262 posts
Finished The God of Small Things last night. Really good. Decidedly unpleasant in places, though. I shall go back to the beginning and take a quick canter through it again, to make sure I've got the sequence of events clear; the narrative doesn't present them chronologically.
Jun 2017
5:59pm, 30 Jun 2017
23,820 posts
I must thoroughly recommend Slaves Of Solitude by Patrick Hamilton, one of the funniest books I've read in a long time.
Jul 2017
7:54pm, 1 Jul 2017
13,268 posts
Ooh, thank you Dio. Just had a quick look at a couple of reviews, and will try to get hold of a copy. It's a long time since I read a really funny, laugh-out-loud book.
Jul 2017
9:40pm, 1 Jul 2017
36,568 posts
Am reading The Power Racing through it! It's a real page turner
Jul 2017
9:59pm, 1 Jul 2017
29,887 posts
Is that the Orange prize winner? (Or whatever it's called now)
Jul 2017
7:12am, 2 Jul 2017
36,569 posts
It is And it's called Bailey's this year