The Balance: Running and Life

10 watchers
Jul 2015
9:08pm, 23 Jul 2015
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Iam lucky in thatr my kids are older now so I have much more freedom, but I learned when they were younger that I had to bre creative and plan ahead.

Like JDA much of my running is to/from work and I often cycle there, run home, run in then cycle home, but need to plan the week ahead to ensure I transport gear.

Unlike JDA Ilove my Sunday long run, but ifI need to I start early enough not to impact things, again thats easier now the kids are older.

What I hate are things my wife doesnt tell me in advance. IfI know my parents or her Mum are coming for a meal I will plan my week around that, however my wife often tells me these things the night before.....and then I need ti be really dedictaed with early starts

Its all about pre planning, and it needs commitment

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
Lately I have been thinking more and more about the balance. The balance between work and life, runn...

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