Nov 2020
1:56pm, 26 Nov 2020
123,861 posts
Some crackers were eliminated in the first round, alas:
Wrapping Paper Bread Crumbs Batteries 7Up Flour Sanitary Towels Grease Proof Paper
Blimey. How could we forget that. It looks epic.
Nov 2020
1:57pm, 26 Nov 2020
22,338 posts
TRO Saracen
*wonders WTAF was in the group that Bin Bags made it out of.....
PS I still don’t remember it.....Reckon I should change my name to SOF Saracen...
(Senile Old F^*k)
Nov 2020
1:58pm, 26 Nov 2020
47,437 posts
I seem to recall posting the 'Come and get your black bin bags' video from Phoenix Nights
Nov 2020
1:59pm, 26 Nov 2020
47,438 posts
I'm not saying that swung the vote...
Nov 2020
2:00pm, 26 Nov 2020
123,863 posts
Round 2 pool 14. FOURTEEN, ffs.
Bin Bags: gross 8, net 5 (proceeds to next round) Milk: gross 7, net 4 (proceeds to next round)
Salad Dressing: gross 3, net 0 (eliminated) Shower Gel: gross 2, net -1 (eliminated) Lemonade: gross 2, net -1 (eliminated) Salt: gross 1, net -2 (eliminated) Whipped Cream: gross 1, net -2 (eliminated) Icing: gross 1, net -2 (eliminated) Lettuce: gross 0, net -3 (eliminated)
Nov 2020
2:01pm, 26 Nov 2020
123,864 posts
Interestingly, the first group stage eliminated gravy Presumably nico was away that month.
Nov 2020
2:09pm, 26 Nov 2020
28,974 posts
Wriggling Snake
Toilet Rolls? Almost prophetic.
Nov 2020
2:26pm, 26 Nov 2020
22,340 posts
TRO Saracen
Given the demographic I reckon a certain Debbie Harry may have influenced the bin bag vote.......
Nov 2020
2:31pm, 26 Nov 2020
22,823 posts
Because I was away that month, could I ask you to give gravy a place in the final of the Superdeath XX?
Nov 2020
9:58am, 27 Nov 2020
123,870 posts
Okay, this is a long shot but I suppose nobody else listened to Tuesday's Locked On Padres podcast? Hmm.
Anyway, they took a list not dissimilar to that Christmas supermarket shopping one and ran a draft. The turkey was the first draft pick, and I particularly enjoyed someone then taking the stuffing as their first round choice just so the bloke with the turkey couldn't get it in the second round.
No idea how we'd do something like that here, but it amused me. Perhaps something to consider in advance of the Pret-A-Manger deathmatch next year (provisionally 21-04).
#FriarFaithful #LetsGoPadres