Jan 2012
6:28pm, 30 Jan 2012
3,335 posts
in my case it's clearly a case of too much too soon. I had them chronically in 2006 and didn't know any better than to run through the pain. I came off running altogether do to a heart scare and they went away
This time round I am coming back to running and pretty much went out untrained on a long run. Although pace was low, my lower leg muscles are clearly weak. I don't do any walking and all my exercise is condensed to probably my hour gym session.
I probably walk at most 500 meters a day. - ie from house to the car to the office and a few trips to the water machine. Before I used to have a job where I was away from my desk and probably walked the equivalent of 3 km a day at least.
When you think if it like that, it's little wonder my shins are weak / imbalanced.
Feb 2012
1:42pm, 24 Feb 2012
5,677 posts
I have shin splints on my right leg. I think they were caused by high impact stuff from circuits. Anyway told to have 2 weeks off impact stuff. However, having not run since Monday it seems to be getting worse not better. Anyone else experienced this?
Sep 2012
7:25pm, 11 Sep 2012
3 posts
Broccers, until reading your post i did not even think about curcuits effecting the shins, i have got a similar pain to yourself. Day 0 was last week, i am just XT now., How are you doing?