Sep 2013
9:32pm, 15 Sep 2013
1,076 posts
the vicious chicken
PB well done hugs!
Sep 2013
7:29am, 16 Sep 2013
890 posts
Good morning everyone... What have your Mondays got in store? I'm studying before college this evening (notice the cunning scheduling of sedentary activity)
Sep 2013
7:37am, 16 Sep 2013
15,948 posts
how are the legs for the PeeBeers this morning? I've got the late slot today so work 10 - 8 instead of 8-6 - don't like it at all as all I do is come home and go to bed afterwards and you can't get anything worthwhile done before leaving in the morning
Sep 2013
7:37am, 16 Sep 2013
15,949 posts
how are the legs for the PeeBeers this morning? I've got the late slot today so work 10 - 8 instead of 8-6 - don't like it at all as all I do is come home and go to bed afterwards and you can't get anything worthwhile done before leaving in the morning
Sep 2013
7:40am, 16 Sep 2013
26,126 posts
Morning, Squares. How are the legs today? I've got a day off, the sun is shining and I've already been out for a 5 mile run.
We just gave our eldest his 16th birthday pressies. Big surprise for him. He was named James but has always been Jamie to us. It's really bothered him for as long as he can remember that his name is "wrong". Today he got the Deed Poll changing his name officially to Jamie. I thought he was going to cry he was so happy, but of course being a 16 year old boy that wasn't actually going to happen.
Correct name hugs.
Sep 2013
8:07am, 16 Sep 2013
15,950 posts
Ace parent hugs
Sep 2013
8:11am, 16 Sep 2013
1,077 posts
the vicious chicken
Late shift hugs and lovely present hugs
Sep 2013
8:13am, 16 Sep 2013
1,078 posts
the vicious chicken
And sedentary hugs, sorry squares - didn't read far up the page enough! Hope your legs are ok today.
Sep 2013
8:39am, 16 Sep 2013
891 posts
Legs arn't that bad can still do stairs Am still feeling quite buzzy about the whole thing, just imagine if I trained consistently
Ace parent hugs long day hugs
Sep 2013
11:26am, 16 Sep 2013
4,979 posts
Wonderful hugathoners all round Back at work after holiday hugs Missed the hugathon