Nov 2015
11:08pm, 28 Nov 2015
16,708 posts
Chris - perhaps it's about retaining that little bit of heat from the exhaled breath.
Nov 2015
11:38am, 29 Nov 2015
1,939 posts
mr d
I have a severe pollen allergy and I used a Respro mask during the pollen season. It works really well except if the filter becomes waterlogged, in rain or high humidity. Would recommend the Sportsa, and a thick skin, as people will stop and stare.
Feb 2016
1:46pm, 1 Feb 2016
11,045 posts
SODIron © 2002
Had a damn asthma induced nightmare on Saturday's parkrun at York.
Was looking to run a strong effort but found the cold air made breathing a struggle. After battling through the first mile and using my inhaler twice I opted to jog to the car and head home, feeling somewhat deflated and annoyed.
Roll on the warmer weather as the cold air always makes for tough running....
Feb 2016
2:06pm, 1 Feb 2016
3,747 posts
It can happen sod - hope it improves.
Feb 2016
2:24pm, 1 Feb 2016
24,911 posts
I suffer with asthma and it's been kept well under control since I was prescribed Seritide about 6 or 7 years ago.
When its really cold the air sometimes cause a burning sensation in the throat/lungs but knowing it's cold I start out very stead and not to push hard till i'm use to the cold air.
I have used a buff around my nose and mouth a few times when biking and running but personally find it annoying and once warmed up pull it down around my neck.
Feb 2016
7:38pm, 8 Feb 2016
5,214 posts
JJ Flash
Thank you all for.your input. My friend is making progress.