Mar 2012
11:36am, 19 Mar 2012
First-time poster!!
Hi all,
Newbie to fetch here, I ran an awful lot in my teens (now early 20s) - always long distance as I can't sprint for toffee - mostly Regional in the north east! Having had urrrm 5ish years out of running and a few issues and set backs with my health I want to get back into it. Don't currently have a 'goal' set yet but want to get to a reasonable level of fitness so will be once again donning my much loved trainers and heading out later...we'll see how long it takes before my lungs hurt.
Hope nobody minds my rather rubbish post!
Mar 2012
11:38am, 19 Mar 2012
5,886 posts
Mrs Winkle
Welcome to Fetch And good luck with getting back into running - why not set yourself a goal, perhaps a 5k race?
Mar 2012
11:40am, 19 Mar 2012
7,478 posts
Welcome to Fetch Buster
As Mrs W says, a goal is a good idea, but don't do too much too soon - take it easy lemon squeezy etc. etc.
Mar 2012
11:41am, 19 Mar 2012
2 posts
Perhaps a 5k might be a plan...we'll see how tonights run goes, if I come back a messy heap of exhaustion I'll leave the goal setting for a while! haha!
Mar 2012
11:52am, 19 Mar 2012
1,412 posts
Welcome to Fetch, 5 years 'rest' is nothing, there are alot here inluding me who 'rested' for 15-20 years before rediscovering the joys of running. A goal is the best way to get some structure and focus, have a look for a local race in 6-8 weeks and build you for that.
Good luck
Mar 2012
12:00pm, 19 Mar 2012
3 posts
I need to knock the fags on the head really. This might be the incentive I need to stop! I shall go try and find a 5k run...
Mar 2012
12:02pm, 19 Mar 2012
7,480 posts
I'm sure you'll be able to find something in Lord Fetch's amazing race finding machine on this here website Good luck.
Mar 2012
12:04pm, 19 Mar 2012
2,407 posts
Welcome to Fetch
parkrun is always a good starting point for a 5k race
Mar 2012
12:13pm, 19 Mar 2012
4 posts
Finsbury park run could be a go-er then.