Reducing single-use/disposable plastic

2 lurkers | 72 watchers
Apr 2018
10:11pm, 9 Apr 2018
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Wow Silvershadow, let us know how it turns out.

I haven't Pix, but then I wear makeup about twice a year! Maybe knitted with fine cotton yarn on tiny needles, or maybe felted?
Apr 2018
10:38pm, 9 Apr 2018
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run free
Great work SS. Pix - there appears to be a some sites that tell ya how. One million women:

Rarely use makeup as it has tended to react with my skin (super sensitive skin).
Curly awesome to hear. Let us know if they take on your suggestions, it helps to know folk moving forward......wonder if we can get London marathon to give up their disposable plastic?
Apr 2018
10:52pm, 9 Apr 2018
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In our own small way KatieB and I are working on a plastic free London marathon Fetchpoint.
Apr 2018
12:37pm, 10 Apr 2018
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Red Squirrel
I'm going to purchase some wraps that a local person made. They're cloth soaked in bees wax or soya wax for either placing over jars to seal them or wrapping around cheese, loaves etc to store.

They're made the food wraps to sell and raise funds towards charity work in Kenya. I'll post a pic when they arrive.
Apr 2018
12:38pm, 10 Apr 2018
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Wine Legs
I made some of those recently :-)
Apr 2018
12:43pm, 10 Apr 2018
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Red Squirrel
Do you have any pics Wine Legs? I can't work out how the wrap is so flexible.
Apr 2018
12:45pm, 10 Apr 2018
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I've bought a cup to use for coffees at work. It's ecoffee cup brand. 3 for £3.50 at Costco apparently. A colleague at work gave it to me in return for buying him a coffee! Made from bamboo, not even plastic, so doubly green?! Fine in terms of using it vs. a disposable cup.

We've got fully compostable take away soup bowls too, so that's nice! :-) G
Apr 2018
1:10pm, 10 Apr 2018
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Wine Legs
I'll take some RS & post later.

Basically spread a bit of grated* beeswax over some cotton & pop in a warm oven until melted. Brush the wax over any bits that were missed.

Just went to the local-to-work Thai place. They happily used my container & bag. Zero single use plastic :-)

* If I was to do this again, I'd use wax pellets. It's an arse to grate the wax. Also don't make it too thick with wax. My first one is terrible.
Apr 2018
5:20pm, 10 Apr 2018
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I'm going to make my own cleaning stuff so that I don't buy plastic bottles. I'll reuse the ones that the bought stuff came in.
I already use Splosh for kitchen/bathroom spray and washing up liquid.

Managed to get vinegar in a glass bottle (although it was 2.5 times more expensive than the identical product in plastic) and already have olive oil (glass bottles) and bought some essential oils today from the fair trade shop in town.

Sadly the vinegar and essential oils have plastic lids but I have been unable to find any without :(

First up will be floor cleaner.
Apr 2018
10:44pm, 10 Apr 2018
3,103 posts
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run free
Welll done folk. Back to basics & BYOR (Bring Your Own Reusable) is the way to go. Seen Waitrose will be removing all disposable coffee cups this year and you will only be able to get their free coffee if you BYOB

About This Thread

Maintained by run free
Information about Plastic Packaging:


What products have microbeads?

To help you reduce try one level at a time:

What the EU is doing:

- currently the UK will be following SOME of the EU measures.

Terms used to describe plastic:
1. Biodegradable (also oxi-biodegradable)
2. Bioplastic
3. Compostable
4. Plastic that potentially could be recycled (has numbers)
5. Plastic that cannot be recycled

Some resources:
BBC's info on the numbers on Plastics:

The misconceptions of biodegradable plastics from an academic:

Understanding plastic terms:

Bioplastic developments as seen by British Plastic

Related Threads

  • environment
  • recycling

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