Random loss of blood supply to a finger joint

1 watcher
Jan 2012
10:27pm, 20 Jan 2012
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The Scribbler
Appreciate the info pastit. I did think Reynauds as I've heard it mentioned by runners on here, but I don't know much about it and didn't want to risk diagnosis by google ;-) I'm seeing a physio about my foot on Tuesday so I may mention it to him.
Jan 2012
10:43pm, 20 Jan 2012
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I often get it on one finger only (though never had mine diagnosed as Reynaud's, and ven if it was, it would be a very mild form only). Mentioning it to your physio sounds like a good idea though.
Jan 2012
9:30am, 21 Jan 2012
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I get it in one finger only too, as does the GF.
Jan 2012
9:45am, 21 Jan 2012
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JenLov (was DiW)
I sometimes get it in just one finger but sometimes in two or even all of them. Soaking in warm water is my quickest and easiest solution. Car heaters etc are useless.
Jan 2012
10:31am, 21 Jan 2012
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Raynauds can often affect one finger and it often is the "social" finger as this is the power finger for your grip and therefore the arteries get squashed more often in it. But the photo is dramatic and I, like hipps, would like to seeyou checked out to rule out embollic phenomena
Jan 2012
10:57am, 21 Jan 2012
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I get Raynaud's sometimes only on my wedding ring finger, but I can lose all my fingers within seconds if there is wind and my hands are wet. The fitter I've got, the worse it's got (or is that the older?). Had it since my late teens :-(. It started when I was out on a march against student loans in Glasgow and they didn't open the student union up til late that evening, and all my fingers went completely numb and I could barely move them, and they've never felt right since.
Jan 2012
12:46pm, 21 Jan 2012
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The Scribbler
Thanks guys. It's great to have a forum like this to ask these kind of questions. I will get it checked out to be on the safe side and have just bought some warm gloves for cycling.

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Maintained by TheScribbler
I had a strange thing happen to the middle finger of my right hand tonight. I seemed to lose blood f...

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