Races cancelled due to council h&s

1 watcher
Feb 2014
7:41am, 13 Feb 2014
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I'm a bit out of the loop as I've not run for a few months now, but I used to be an enthusiastic participant in the Leicestershire Road Running League and am still a club member. This year, two of the six (approx) league races have been cancelled due to the County Council's insistence on formal road closures for the start. These are both races that have run without problem for many years with marshals informally stopping traffic for the start.
General consensus (or maybe general cynicism;) ) is that this is a money raising exercise by the counci (as they'd charge for road closure)l, but it's made these races impossible to run financially, and if it extended would threaten the viability of the league.
Is this happening elsewhere, or is it purely a Leicestershire problem?
Feb 2014
8:13am, 13 Feb 2014
5,058 posts
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From what I remember, the big cost is the policing required for the road closure. Which isn't to say that the council haven't seen a good charge!

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I'm a bit out of the loop as I've not run for a few months now, but I used to be an enthusiastic p...

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