Pins and needles/numbness in foot

1 watcher
Apr 2013
8:59am, 4 Apr 2013
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The Scribbler
My right foot keeps going numb/pins and needles from the pad to the toes on runs over 5k. The sensation comes on and then does not let up until I stop. Sometimes it feels completely numb, and then I start to get feeling back in it like when you''re cold and step under a hot shower.

Has anyone else experienced this or got any ideas about what I can do to stop it happening?

It's only happening in my right foot and I think, only happening with my new New Balance 1080 shoes. It's happened in both training and a race over 10k. I'm racing on Sunday and going back to my knackered Asics to try and avoid it.

I've changed my running style to run more midfoot/forefoot since last October, building up the mileage gradually. In the past I've tended to have more problems on my left side, so it's possible I'm landing more heavily on the right to sub consciously protect the left side.

My laces aren't too tight - I even put elastic laces in to make sure, but my new shoes do have a smaller toebox (not tight but less wiggle room).
Apr 2013
9:20am, 4 Apr 2013
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I get that sometimes, when I'm running in new shoes (I run in Brooks Adrenalines).

A while back I had custom orthotics made by Foot Factor (see Fetch homepage for link) to help with ITBS issues I was having. I recently started a new pair of Adrenalines but left the orthos in the old pair for long runs while I broke in the new pair over shorter distances. The new pair were giving me P&Ns but it stopped immediately when I swapped the orthos into the new shoes.

So, it's your new shoes, IMHO. It will probably subside as you get used to them and as the footbed moulds to the shape of your foot over some more miles.
Apr 2013
9:37am, 4 Apr 2013
2,408 posts
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The Scribbler
Thanks Fitz, it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one it's happened to. I also wear orthotics, but have put them in my new shoes.

I guess I have to stick with them a bit longer and just bed them in over shorter runs (up to 5k seems fine).

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My right foot keeps going numb/pins and needles from the pad to the toes on runs over 5k. The sensat...

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