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Numpty question on LSR pace

13 watchers
May 2012
7:14pm, 2 May 2012
109 posts
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Cheers folks. How about for potentially a couple of months?

I'm still getting out for the runs 6-8 times a week, but only with time for 30-40 minutes except 1 longer run a week, generally taken very slowly for 12-15 miles.
So I'm hitting mid 40s for mileage when I was looking at 70+ before.

Marathon is off the radar so I suppose if I'm only looking HM or shorter I should take advantage and try and get distance specific work in maybe 3 times a week?

Back on topic - I'm very much an advocate of lots and slow. Add 30 minutes a week across your existing runs, or in an extra run and you'll improve. Holds true for nearly all of us. At our level it can be all about how much running you can get away with.
May 2012
10:35pm, 2 May 2012
148 posts
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Thanks everyone for all the helpful advice, has been very educational for me! From now on will make a conscious effort to do my long runs at a slower pace based on the pace calculators that people have mentioned.

Am sure I'll be back soon to ask about interval training.. :-)

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I know this is going to make me sound a bit stoopid, but I've read comments on various threads abou...
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