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My Fetch Mile

1 lurker | 56 watchers
May 2020
9:56am, 18 May 2020
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Thanks, just pushed the button - see what it brings!
May 2020
9:58am, 18 May 2020
24,035 posts
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Do you has it yet?
May 2020
11:50am, 18 May 2020
11,070 posts
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No :-(

Mile - fetcheveryone.com/mile-view.php?id=2503
Log - fetcheveryone.com/t-17475899

It's as straight as a die, perhaps that level of "precision" causes an issue with matching? Though can't in my head see why that would impact it for matching the activity that it was derived from.
May 2020
12:30pm, 18 May 2020
24,037 posts
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Checking for you...
May 2020
1:02pm, 18 May 2020
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I think it might be down to the straightness. It looks like your watch is recording points in a 'smart' way to minimise the size of the data.

The watch records a point approximately every seven seconds along that stretch. On curvier parts of your route, there are smaller gaps between points - but it varies quite a lot. Sometimes there are even longer gaps.

You're travelling at about 8.4 metres per second. This means that you've recorded a point roughly every 59 metres along that stretch. You hit points 1-9 successfully (by registering a data point within 40 metres of each location), but it looks like point 10 was just outside range.

If you can configure your watch to record more data points, I'm pretty sure that would help.
May 2020
1:19pm, 18 May 2020
11,072 posts
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Sadly not, there's no option for that on this watch. Which is odd, as (compared to most others) I see much higher "believability" of traces on my watch than just about any other! Maybe that's the reason why, lots of outliers are discarded.

But how could I not hit a point created from my own trace? Don't all the points on the "mile" come from points in the file, or is there some fuzziness going on?
May 2020
1:19pm, 18 May 2020
11,073 posts
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(btw, thanks for looking!)
May 2020
1:29pm, 18 May 2020
11,074 posts
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(created a very similar one now which works - problem solved!)
May 2020
1:48pm, 18 May 2020
24,039 posts
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I've deleted seven miles from the DB where there weren't 10 points, for some reason. And to stop this happening again, it should throw up an error now, rather than creating the mile. Logging it too, so I can try to understand what might cause it.
May 2020
3:16pm, 18 May 2020
11,077 posts
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(Can you tell I've only started exploring this today)

On Sunday's ride I've created a mile which I'm fairly certain I've only ever ridden twice - Sunday and May last year. I've validated this by sullying myself over at another website which has segments which more or less match this location.

But according to the mile page it shows that I've done it 4 times?

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How do I add a Fetch Mile?
Go to any entry in your training log, and look for the Build A Mile link just above the map. Click that, and drag the slider to highlight the relevant mile. Give it a name and a description, and save it!

Fetch's To Do List
6) Some way of picking up your historical visits
9) A way to see your own miles
11) Badges for creators and visitors
12) Everything else.

Fetch's Done List
1) Make run and bike into separate leaderboard tables
3) Ability to add an image.
2) A 'Back' button that returns you to the last-viewed area rather than home
4) Elevation graph
5) Larger clickable area for individual miles
7) Jump To Location box for easier navigation
8) Remove the 'Build A Mile' link if there's no GPS trace available
10) Leaderboard of people who have visited most miles

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