Sep 2016
5:27pm, 23 Sep 2016
25,401 posts
I only have Apple stuff but still not got it all sussed! Most stuff is easy though
Sep 2016
5:28pm, 23 Sep 2016
1,507 posts
I wrote the months in different colours, and I also put little red crosses in to denote days when I might have spare time.
Garage are trying to repair one of the lights on my car. Going to have to try harder to make friends with small beige Clio cos I'll have to keep it till Monday.
Sep 2016
5:31pm, 23 Sep 2016
30,398 posts
having said that, my iphone is misbehaving and I have to talk to Siri very sternly before the screen becomes responsive and I can turn screen lock off. Much swearing was done, which Siri responded to by saying 'that's not very nice', before I realised that actually just firing Siri up works. Which came in very handy when I was live tweeting yesterday I need a new phone basically, it's quite old, and Mr fleecy has one of those massive stupid ones so I do not want his handmedown!
Sep 2016
5:31pm, 23 Sep 2016
30,399 posts
I was going to ask if you had colour coded it in highlighter, Maz
Sep 2016
5:31pm, 23 Sep 2016
25,403 posts
On a train but due in soon
Sep 2016
5:43pm, 23 Sep 2016
20,767 posts
Cup of tea. I have painted another side of one of the gates. There's one side left to do which I hope to do tomorrow. A load of washing is going round in the machine.
I had a Melton Mowbray pork pie for lunch. I bought it in Waitrose as I was out at lunchtime and needed to eat something.
Sep 2016
5:44pm, 23 Sep 2016
30,400 posts
I just pre-ordered a red fetch vest, I did have one but it shrunk into a crop top so I gave it to Fidgety Midget, as she is so short it's a small dress on her
Sep 2016
5:44pm, 23 Sep 2016
25,908 posts
On a bus.
Sep 2016
5:45pm, 23 Sep 2016
25,909 posts
Finished my book so I'm listening to music
Sep 2016
5:52pm, 23 Sep 2016
17,391 posts
Thanks CW, I understand all that, it's just been an organic sprawl over the years and it's tedious trying to consolidate it all