Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

78 watchers
Mar 2020
6:44pm, 29 Mar 2020
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Great photo.
Mar 2020
9:21pm, 29 Mar 2020
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Oh lovely :) - but how many poppies will you have this year?!
Mar 2020
9:44pm, 29 Mar 2020
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Eynsham Red
We’ll just have to wait and see. We let them self seed. In truth they are a bit like weeds, but they have lovely large double blousy pink blooms which last about a day or two.
Mar 2020
9:49pm, 29 Mar 2020
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"Sorbets"? Like this?
Mar 2020
10:01pm, 29 Mar 2020
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Eynsham Red
FL they are of a large petal type not the feathery variety in the link. I don’t have any photos of them in bloom.
Mar 2020
10:05pm, 29 Mar 2020
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They look like the "opium" poppies that self seed themselves all over my garden - last year was ridiculous, so I carefully pulled them all before they seeded and made matters worse this
(I may be regretting that now, the extra income might have been useful ;) )
Mar 2020
10:29pm, 29 Mar 2020
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I have gardened myself into an early bed this weekend ;)

Yesterday I largely sorted out the greenhouse. It was a mess with things that needed to be kept frost free and dry dumped in there randomly. It is now all tidy, weeded, watered, dead stuff cut off. I have also re-sown the tomato seedlings I friend last week because I hadn't put the shade netting on. Now all sorted. Potted on the tomato plants for a client from one propagator into 9 cm pots and sown peppers into the propagator, for another client. Things are look good on the bean and pea front, lots of shoots popping their heads up. I then went out to get rid of mole tumps and move them into a new raised bed. BOTH wheelbarrow tyres were flattened in the process! Very very annoying... so I split wood in stead. I was given a small trailer load earlier this week. All split and stacked now for next winter. I also cut half of the grass.

Today I removed the rest of the mole tumps in a flexitub. I also decided to use some of the mole casts to bulk out my meagre quantity of potting compost and potted up my dahlia's. Raised bed got filled, half the veg garden weeded. I have received horn manure and horn silica. I am going Biodynamic this year!. So weeding all my veg beds, then I shall spread compost, then I shall do the cow horn manure thing... Sadly, I haven't been able to het the copper sprayer I wanted to get from Italy before everything went on lock down, so I will have to use a plastic one. You spray these preparations. One on the soil before sowing and planting and the other once plants are goring well. It will be interesting to see how things grow this year! Oh and the rest of the grass got cut... it was very high!
Mar 2020
10:30pm, 29 Mar 2020
45,817 posts
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I have poppy envy. I love poppies and have tried various types, including the "weeds" in a wildflower mix on the lawn, with no success whatsoever :(
Mar 2020
10:39pm, 29 Mar 2020
15,461 posts
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when I'm allowed to travel I shall bring you some seeds from my indestructibles V'rap :)
Mar 2020
12:32am, 30 Mar 2020
45,818 posts
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