Apr 2020
1:21pm, 7 Apr 2020
19,082 posts
RS, check out the trailtalon 235s. They've replaced f-lites as my road shoes. Or even the roclite G290s which feel very low drop (though they are expensive and not sure how well they'll wear on roads, even with the fancy graphene soles).
Apr 2020
7:42pm, 7 Apr 2020
1,573 posts
Received my Altra Solstices' today, and just ran an easy mile in them. Very springy - maybe too springy - they remind me of the mushy feeling you get from high stack Hokas... I'll give them another go in a few days before making a decision on them, but with a white sole they are mine to keep now anyway...
Also got some Topo ST-2s, but they are huge - UK 9 turns out to be a EU44 for Topo (I'm sure it wasn't with the Runventure, my only other Topo shoe so far). Seems nice, but oversized so it's going back.
I'd second flankers recommendation for the trailtalon 235 RS, they are a lovely shoe. I've put a good 400+ miles on mine (mostly trail) and they look like new. Very slipper like, and absolutely neutral. I'm waiting for the V2's to get a bit cheaper, 'cos of the nicer colours
Apr 2020
8:10pm, 7 Apr 2020
2,951 posts
Aren't the trail talons quite a wide fit, though?
Apr 2020
9:29pm, 7 Apr 2020
1,574 posts
Good point, missed that part..
Apr 2020
11:08pm, 7 Apr 2020
21,344 posts
Red Squirrel
Ah, the Trail Talons look good. I'll need to try them in a shop if they might be wide ... In the meantime, I wore my Freet Leaps and ran round the dry trails in the park today.
Apr 2020
12:12am, 8 Apr 2020
19,085 posts
the 235s are quite wide but not very high volume in the toe box, so they don't feel much different to an f-lite IMO.
I've killed mine and the upper is held together with a shoo-goo equivalent. I think is because they don't have the volume in the forefoot that my big feet need. It's a worthwhile compromise because I love running in them.
Apr 2020
12:13am, 8 Apr 2020
19,086 posts
just checked - they have 465 miles on them, including 2 Lakeland 100s and a couple of hundred road miles.
Apr 2020
10:25am, 8 Apr 2020
1,576 posts
I blew the little toe side out on my trailtalon 250s which were almost identical, but that was after 650 miles. The 235 (crosses fingers to avoid self cursing) don't seem to be as weak at that spot.
Apr 2020
6:43pm, 9 Apr 2020
463 posts
SSLHP (Shoes smell like horse piss)
I'm loving my Topo ST-2s. They definitely feel better after 50 miles or so. This is probably because there is some degree of permanent flattening/squashing under the ball of foot.
Reluctant to try the ST-3 just now as a couple of reports mentioned the plastic forming the bottom of the eyelets digging into the top of foot. I don't do blisters!
May 2020
12:53pm, 26 May 2020
1,596 posts
Received my shiny trailtalon 235 v2s this morning - they are a good 5mm narrower than the originals - still adequate room, but if anyone needed the extra width stock up now before the originals all sell out..