Nov 2019
2:51pm, 6 Nov 2019
21,599 posts
banana should not be baked, or otherwised cooked, or used for flavour. It can be cut up and placed in custard; that's it.
Nov 2019
2:52pm, 6 Nov 2019
41,956 posts
I like to cut mine up, place it in the bin and select something nicer to eat instead.
Nov 2019
2:57pm, 6 Nov 2019
21,601 posts
good to see peaches with fish getting a kicking. The belgians are in many ways great chefs, but their tendency to put sweet stuff in savoury dishes is lamentable.
Nov 2019
2:57pm, 6 Nov 2019
19,957 posts
TRO Saracen
I certainly agree that banana would not be a suitable flavour for a pot noodle. Otherwise they are fine, harmless things.
Nov 2019
3:12pm, 6 Nov 2019
41,957 posts
Not in a banana daiquiri they're not
Nov 2019
3:15pm, 6 Nov 2019
115,993 posts
Bananas are good for me. I know this because they are revolting. But they are as nothing compared to banana flavouring.
~vomits copiously~
Nov 2019
3:18pm, 6 Nov 2019
18,423 posts
... aren't bananas basically just hair? Or did I dream that?
Nov 2019
3:24pm, 6 Nov 2019
19,958 posts
TRO Saracen
Fake news.
Bananas are one of the healthier natural food sources in the world, ounce for ounce. They contain almost no fat; are very low in calories; and are high in vitamin B6, fiber, and potassium. They also contain decent amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Niacin, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and Pantothenic Acid. Bananas are also known to lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as well as decrease your risk of getting cancer, according to the FDA.
Nov 2019
3:26pm, 6 Nov 2019
21,603 posts
...and they're horrible cooked
Nov 2019
3:26pm, 6 Nov 2019
41,958 posts
It's rhino horn, Lidl sausages and Haribo that's mostly hair.