Jul 2023
2:30pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,396 posts
I thought it'd be fun (plus I know someone who might enjoy hearing some creative ideas) to collect your suggestions for games to play with kids on a rainy day. Ideally, the games would be with minimal equipment, or common household items. I'll give you some to get you started:
We had a set of 10 plastic pint glasses for some reason, and the Boy and I managed to come up with some fun games involving those e.g. see how many you can balance one on top of another before they fall over; make them into a pyramid and throw balled up socks at them; lay them all out, each with a forfeit or a fun thing written on a scrap of paper, then try and bounce a ping pong ball into one of them; sellotape them to our heads and pretend to be daleks; hide a ball under one and try to guess which (we couldn't do that one, because they were clear); practice speed stacking; or just fill one with gin and stick the kid in front of the telly.
Balled up socks are generally a very good thing. As a kid I would be entertained for a very long time, kneeling on the floor, my dad sitting on the sofa - I'd toss the socks at him, and he'd pat them back to give me a catch. You can turn that into a game of cricket, by having a wall behind the catcher as a boundary for scoring runs. Ten catches and the batter and fielder change places. Or if you do not value your ornaments, you can ball up all your socks and have a running battle with them.
If you've got a tape measure and some marbles, it's also quite good fun to stretch it out as far as it'll go, and attach the end to something e.g. a door handle, and then roll the marbles down it, and see how far you can get them to go before they fall off. And it's really easy to accurately measure your best efforts
I will add more if and when I think of them, but let's see what ideas you have
Jul 2023
2:40pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,397 posts
If you've got two phones handy, use them as walkie talkies. Blindfold the youngling, and then direct him through a room full of obstacles. For added difficulty, barefoot with lego on the floor
Cereal box piƱata - another blindfold one. Fill a cereal box with something that will make a big mess (cereal would work at a pinch, but christmas chocs are generally better). Attach the box to the ceiling with some string and then let the kid have at it with a roll of wrapping paper, or something like that.
Bottle tossing - the basic standard is to use a bottle one-third filled with water, and the players have to take turns flipping it up in the air, so that it'll land the right way up. For added difficulty (and extra opportunities to wear the kid out) involve a staircase - they have to run up the stairs to retrieve the bottle.
Sockdown - one of my dad's lockdown inventions. He's a big fan of balled-up socks Label each of the stairs with a different number of points - some positive, some negative. From the top of the stairs, try to score as many points as you can with X pairs of socks.
Jul 2023
2:44pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,398 posts
Put on as many clothes as you can. This one is simple. You just put on as many clothes as you can. Most items wins.
Raindancing. Go outside in the rain for a brief disco. The heavier the rain, the more fun it is.
Try not to laugh. Best done near the bath. Both players take a mouth full of water, and then pull faces until someone loses their water. Or take turns, with one player telling jokes.
Jul 2023
2:46pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,399 posts
A two parter. (1) Write down the names of as many animals as you can in thirty seconds. 2) You then have five minutes to convey the animals to your fellow player through impressions.
Jul 2023
2:47pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,400 posts
Start a timer. Until the timer runs out, you can only speak in a silly voice.
Jul 2023
2:48pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,401 posts
If you have some spare cardboard, learn beer mat flipping. An essential skill.
Jul 2023
2:50pm, 24 Jul 2023
80,472 posts
Hunt the idiot, aka Hide and Sneek. Like Hide and Seek except everyone hides. Starts as a game of H&S until the seeker takes it upon themself to hide (or just not seek). The first player to emerge from their hiding place loses, unless they find the supposed hider before they are spotted themselves. In case of a two Spiderman standoff scenario the first to point and shout "Idiot!" wins.
Jul 2023
2:50pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,402 posts
Arrange your saucepans on the stairs in such a way that a ping pong ball dropped from a set place will bounce in as many as possible.
Jul 2023
2:51pm, 24 Jul 2023
29,403 posts
(Thanks for joining in Dio )
Jul 2023
2:54pm, 24 Jul 2023
80,474 posts
[Mine might have been created by a tired parent trying to get 5 minutes peace and quiet]