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4 watchers
Feb 2021
1:49pm, 8 Feb 2021
6,333 posts
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I have the Decathlon ones after seeing HappyG recommending them a while back. I suffer from Reynauds and they seem to be up to the job, so far (touches wood)
Feb 2021
6:46pm, 8 Feb 2021
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I have an older version of the Decathlon glove + mitten ones, where the mitt bit isn't removable. They are great nonetheless. I find my hands are warm enough after a mile or so to remove the gloves and these are not at all bulky so they tuck into a pocket or a waistband quite comfortably.

Previously I had some silk glove liners from decathlon, meant to go under bike gloves or ski mittens (I forget which) - also warm and light and easily dealt with if you no longer need to wear them on your run.
Feb 2021
7:02am, 9 Feb 2021
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I have Ron Hill hat and gloves set, both really thin but warm enough for running all winter. If I’m on my bike, my hands get really cold, and then I go for skiing gloves in the winter.

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Maintained by whiteflash
Does anyone have any tips for warm gloves? Ideally cheap too. I seem to be really struggling this wi...
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