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Fetchie Family Law Experts- I need you!

2 watchers
Apr 2019
11:53pm, 29 Apr 2019
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My sister is in a relationship with a chap. Not married. They have 2 kids under 6 and live in an EU country. Both work freelance and jointly own a mortgaged property in the UK (currently rented) She is to all extent and purposes financially dependent on him- spends more time looking after kids than working etc. He has income from property in the UK as well as his freelance work.

He is controlling and manipulative. Think coercive control. He stops her going out, prevents her friends from coming to visit, tells her kids that she isn't to be trusted. He blames her for the slightest thing and calls her a paranoid, unfit mother. She's had severe depression in the past but has been on an even keel for the past 10 years or so. He's driving her mad (literally) and she wants to leave him.

Please can someone help? What are her rights? What is she entitled to financially? They are both UK born and bred but have lived abroad for getting on for 3 years.

Please dm if you don't want to comment on here

Thank you
Apr 2019
7:24am, 30 Apr 2019
21,694 posts
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Big Chief Running Bore is a family lawyer.
Apr 2019
7:27am, 30 Apr 2019
5,956 posts
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Thanks Fetch

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Maintained by MabelMoonface
My sister is in a relationship with a chap. Not married. They have 2 kids under 6 and live in an EU ...
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