Fetch Treasure Hunt

1 lurker | 102 watchers
Apr 2020
8:02pm, 1 Apr 2020
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Apr 2020
9:22pm, 1 Apr 2020
17,278 posts
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I have sent Fetch the indoor and children Treasure Hunts. I don't know if they will be new threads or not, this one will get a bit crowded i think. He's been very busy today.
Just to let you know, in case there has been any promises to children, the lists are

Indoor (adults)

Please take as much liberty as you wish with the items for April.

1 Shower (or is it shower?)
2. Crack
3. My favourite medal
4. A childhood memory
5. A mug with a story.
6. A spider
7. 5 objects that you will de-clutter but wouldn’t have if I hadn’t made you.
8. Something you have cleaned (before and after)
9.Something that you have spent at least 10 minutes looking for.
10. My favourite piece of art.

Indoor (children)
1. Something precious to you.
2. A happy memory
3. An embarrassing photo of a member of your family
4. A mess I made.
5. Five things each a different shade of blue
6. A pet or other creature
7. Fancy dress
8. My hero.
9. I made this
10. Something older than your parents.

(thanks to Corrah, How Far and BarefootEm for their suggestions)
Apr 2020
9:50pm, 1 Apr 2020
First-time poster!!
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First ever Treasure Hunt blog...March...here
Apr 2020
9:53pm, 1 Apr 2020
17,279 posts
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Welcome to Fetch alco, some interesting pictures there.
Apr 2020
10:00pm, 1 Apr 2020
39,131 posts
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Lip Gloss
Also great to hear you on the podcast today Alco
Apr 2020
10:44pm, 1 Apr 2020
2 posts
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Thanks guys....have been on the site a number of years, and a great fan of the podcast, too...so thought I'd give both the soundbite and the treasure hunt a bit of a go. Always fancied a blog...but its one of these 'must do's' that just becomes a 'didn't do'...up until now!
Apr 2020
9:43am, 2 Apr 2020
8,805 posts
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Nice to meet a Weegie, Alco! My bestie is in Bargeddie, next to the canal path. I especially liked the literature reference!
Apr 2020
1:53pm, 3 Apr 2020
3 posts
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Thanks ITG...loved your audio clips in the past, wonderful accent...! Yep, contrary to what some people think, some lovely runs in and around Glasgow...and the bits outside too!
Apr 2020
6:13pm, 6 Apr 2020
1,584 posts
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I was planning to try blogging at the end of the month this time, but the thread’s a bit quiet, so here’s my April Fool picture:

Tilting at a windmill.*

The local shop where we often get flour is currently on hiatus, sadly, but we heard that the local windmill is selling flour between 10 and 12 on Saturdays - the queue was impressive when we got there, so lots of time to admire the mill. Went back a few days later (as part of a permitted outdoor exercise bike ride) to get a photo.

If you haven’t spotted me, follow the blue arrow.

* Yes, I know - wrong sort of tilting. Apologies to Miguel de Cervantes (although I think he might be past caring).
Apr 2020
6:28pm, 6 Apr 2020
2,045 posts
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Here you go beebop - a 'sort of' blog for April. A little difficult, and again a few 'dubious' entries for now.

Thanks Chrisity (or is it Christy now? see >>>), even if 2 of mine include indoor shots.

About This Thread

Maintained by um
Rules and history fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=564

October 2024 - LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺
1: autumn leaf - red
2: autumn leaf - yellow
3: misty morning/fog
4: the biggest (or best) fungus
5: acorns & conkers
6: shortening days
7: shadows of the evening
8: harvest
9: crisp
10: Hallowe'en

September 2024 - cackleberry
Here you go, and a bonus point got getting the theme
[ ] Hill/Mountain

[ ] Wood/forest
[ ] Public convenience

[ ] Trig point
[ ] Boundary
[ ] Bridge
[ ] Bridlepath
[ ] Youth hostel
[ ] Telephone box
[ ] Compass bearing

August 2024 - um
1) 5 rings
2) Long
3) High
4) Triple
5) 100
6) 10,000
7) Hammer
8) Hurdle
9) Marathon
10) Medal

July 2024 - Sweetie
1) Sun
2) Sea or C
3) Sand
4) Ruby
5) Water lily / lily
6) Anyone for tennis?
7) Independence
8) Dog days
9) Kebab (12th July is world kebab day apparently!)
10) Let the games begin

June 2024 - cackleberry
N to Z (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)

May 2024 - cackleberry
A to M (themed 13 pics!), any theme (eg flowers, streets, whatever)
(and you can guess what's coming for June)

April 2024 - cackleberry
Colours of the rainbow.
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet (Purple)
- Black
- White

March 2024 - Autumnleaves
1. Daffodils
2. Beware!
3. Easter
4. Lion
5. Lamb
6. Hedgerow
7. Egg
8. Palm Sunday
9. Mother's Day
10. Clock

February 2024 - Ultracat
1. Year of the Dragon
2. Hearts
3. Sign of Spring
4. Traditional or modern
5. Amethyst (purple)
6. 2 Fish
7. Water feature
8. Olympics
9. Ginger
10. Fat Thursday (Tłusty czwartek).

The rest of January 2024, Chrisity
5 (or more) intresting things within a mile of your house

12 Days of Christmas, Reiver
Day 1 25th : Your festive meal
Day 2 26th : Santa Claus
Day 3 27th : A Christmas window
Day 4 28th : Holly & Ivy
Day 5 29th : An outdoor Christmas tree
Day 6 30th : Six geese a laying
Day 7 31st : 'that's crackers!'
Day 8 1st : A New Year’s Day activity
Day 9 2nd : Back to normal
Day 10 3rd : The most dishevelled decoration
Day 11 4th : FIRE

November 2023, cackleberry
1. A nice bridge
2. Clouds
3. Post activity treat
4. Remembrance
5. Body part
6. Sculpture
7. Black and white
8. The letter S
9. Trio
10. Happy Birthday to Cackleberry!!

Watch out for an update for another Xmas special!
Conspiracy theory? There may be another badge

October 2023, Mandymoo
1. A rainbow
2. A carved pumpkin
3. A worm
4. Your favorite cake
5. A witch
6. A bucket
7. A JCB/Digger
8. Something blowing
9. Something bumpy
10. Something wet

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