Jan 2016
2:49pm, 7 Jan 2016
1,558 posts
Redpolls are lovely birds; not seen many this winter. I did see a flock of siskin today, which I always associate with redpoll for some reason...
Jan 2016
4:06pm, 7 Jan 2016
514 posts
Perfect Organism
The chaffinch is back at my feeder which has made me quite happy
I think it is fair for me to say though that the window feeder that I purchased has not really been a success. The only time I ever saw anything land on it, it was a bloody great magpie! And having come back from Glasgow after Christmas it's just fallen off the window so I think I'm going to give it up.
Jan 2016
4:19pm, 7 Jan 2016
18,924 posts
Red Squirrel
I wasn't sure if the bird would benefit from feeding or summat.
I've researched this further anyway and suspect it's a robin. BF's description of the bird was of a wren but it's more likely to be a robin.
He's someone who listens to a lot of loud music so I don't know why a wee bird bothers him so much.
Jan 2016
4:23pm, 7 Jan 2016
14,415 posts
Jay screaming in a tree in the front garden this afternoon, quite an open place for a jay. Don't know if it was territorial or just telling all the other birds to feck off before he attacked the feeders in next door's back garden.
Jan 2016
4:23pm, 7 Jan 2016
1,559 posts
More likely a robin than a wren at this time of year, I'd guess. Is there a street light, or some sort of light, that it sings under?
Jan 2016
5:53pm, 7 Jan 2016
811 posts
Screaming Jay Hawkins
Jan 2016
12:19am, 8 Jan 2016
16,248 posts
Might be worth persevering with the window feeder PO. It seems to take a while but once you get one or two birds on it others seem to find it. After much annoyance over recent weeks with it falling off, it seems the answer is to get both the suckers and the windows clean and dry, but with soap and water not window cleaner.
We get quite a lot on ours. Nothing exotic, but robins, many blackbirds, collared doves (near realised I liked them - always used to class them with pigeons) and our local rat!
The sociable dunnock(!) regular runs around the patio hoovering up any spillage that the rat doesn't eat.
Jan 2016
10:07am, 8 Jan 2016
16,664 posts
Just one rat flanker?
Jan 2016
12:49pm, 8 Jan 2016
516 posts
Perfect Organism
OK flanker, I might give it another go. In fairness, I think it would work better if the weather wasn't so torrential and thereby constantly filling the little bowl up with water.
Jan 2016
1:52pm, 8 Jan 2016
16,250 posts
It's Cambridge DT. Most rats can't afford to live here. Bit like us!