
6 watchers
Feb 2019
11:40am, 1 Feb 2019
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Four weeks of miserable weather, darkness, the world getting its knickers in a knot over a hallmark holiday, and not even my birthday is enough to lift the gloom (February is a truly shit time for a birthday - prospective parents take note, avoid conceiving in May! I can rant about this at length if provoked) - so join me in celebrating instead FABruary. Do something every day that's at least a little bit fabulous:

Use your good china for your morning cup of tea (what are you saving it for anyway?)
Take time to watch the sun rise or set
Buy yourself flowers just because they're pretty
wear more jewellery than the occasion calls for because sparkly (or not sparkly, jewellery tastes may vary)
Have a really indulgent bath
tell someone you love how awesome they are and see them smile
go for a walk at lunch and make a point of looking for the signs of spring (they're probably there, unless you're swamped by snowmageddon, in which case make a snow sculpture or throw snowballs, admire the beauty of a frosted tree)
Make your favourite dish for supper and set the table as if it's a special occasion
spend a whole evening rewatching your favourite TV show or doing yoga, or scrap booking, or whatever you will seriously enjoy

Share your other ideas and evidence of your daily fabulousness here.

I started with a breakfast of fresh croissants, coffee, and orange juice, then worked from home curled up on the sofa next to my dog. It was pretty darned fab.
Feb 2019
11:41am, 1 Feb 2019
15,769 posts
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My birthday.

*drops mic
Feb 2019
11:44am, 1 Feb 2019
1,751 posts
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stop abusing audio equipment. :hysterical: won't somebody think of the techies! :/hysterical:

Isn't February the shittest time for a birthday, though?
I take it as personal slight from my parents, that my birthday is in Feruary and my sister's in June. It just sets the whole tone of preferential treatment that she received throughout our childhood.
Feb 2019
11:46am, 1 Feb 2019
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...only if born on 14th. I nearly was, and if I had have been, I was due to named Valentino.

And I'm not Italian.
Feb 2019
12:01pm, 1 Feb 2019
7,821 posts
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I'm not sure why February is a rubbish time for a birthday. People born in late December of early January have it worse as present ideas are used up at Christmas and January is more a month of diets and austerity.
Feb 2019
12:19pm, 1 Feb 2019
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TRO Staying indoors forever
Couldn't agree more. It's a rancid arse of a month - dark and nasty and cold just at the time it's been dark and nasty and cold for 3 months are you're fed up with it.

My birthday was 22 Jan and I was 3 weeks premature so my foetal self knew February was no time to enter the world and I went early.

Even Greg, who invented the Gregorian calendar, realised and allocated just 28 days to this purgatory.

I'm going to work out how much extra spending money I've got allocating my salary over 28 rather than 31 days, and spend this daily on nice stuff.
Feb 2019
12:59pm, 1 Feb 2019
38,224 posts
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Feb is at least short so over with more quickly.
Feb 2019
1:00pm, 1 Feb 2019
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Angus Clydesdale

Is all...
Feb 2019
1:03pm, 1 Feb 2019
14,683 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
Meanwhile, my brothers were born in Feb and I was born in June.

Rae is right. I was totally the Golden Child and they were treated like the wastrels they were*. Serves them right for having February birthdays...
Feb 2019
1:14pm, 1 Feb 2019
1,752 posts
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what TRO said, though I was born more or less on time. They had to emergency ceasar me though, as it was subzero and I did a somersault to try and stay in as long as possible.

Also, for anyone thinking of playing along at home, the idea isn't necessarily that you have to spend money on things. Fabulosity can also be free!

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Maintained by A Rae in a manger
Four weeks of miserable weather, darkness, the world getting its knickers in a knot over a hallmark ...

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