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Elite Athletics Thread

4 lurkers | 167 watchers
Oct 2022
11:30am, 10 Oct 2022
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I agree about the running YouTubers, but I do think it is slightly skewed as often they’re sponsored or at least given freebies to ‘try’. Sometimes they say the supplier has no sway over the video content and whilst I believe that, it must influence the youtuber in some way. Sweat Elite is a good channel, but when he lays out all his supplements I do sigh.
Oct 2022
11:32am, 10 Oct 2022
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Having had a quick look at Informed Sport, there should be pretty much no risk if you go with a supplement certified by them as every batch is tested. Obviously increases the cost but surely worth it if you're a pro.
Oct 2022
11:40am, 10 Oct 2022
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Informed Sport is linked to by UKAD as a resource for athletes and was apparently developed in partnership with UKAD.


I have some sympathy for contaminated supplements but I knew about Informed Sport a few years ago so there isn't much excuse for a pro with a team behind them.
Oct 2022
11:46am, 10 Oct 2022
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From the BBC article on the ban clearly showing not enough due diligence by Ujah.

"In this case, after a thorough examination of the facts, we were satisfied that Mr Ujah did indeed ingest a contaminated supplement, but he was unable to demonstrate that he was entitled to any reduction in the applicable period of ineligibility based on his level of fault," said AIU Head Brett Clothier.
Oct 2022
11:52am, 10 Oct 2022
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Yes sounds like he was just sloppy and didn't use safeguards available, from the way Clothier talks there
Oct 2022
11:57am, 10 Oct 2022
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Going back to the point you made about banned substances in supplements FD, thinking about it, I wouldn't be surprised if it is purposely done to improve the effectiveness by certain manufacturers. That makes me question supplements even more.
Oct 2022
12:41pm, 10 Oct 2022
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When it comes to body building supplements, I think both supplier and consumer are highly motivated to go down that road. Although the culture is so open about taking steroids that it’s not even seen as a big deal by many, everyone just wants to get ripped and believe it’s making them all healthier and quite a lot seem in a state of denial about the dangers.

Rugby also has similar issues, if you don’t do it then you are highly unlikely to keep up as everyone gets bigger through teenage years. Seems rampant among developing players and I expect there would be a market in supplements which claim to be ok but it’s quietly understood that some of them are far more effective than the evidence says they should be if they only contained what’s on the ingredients list.
Oct 2022
12:49pm, 10 Oct 2022
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Isn't that sort of comment half way to conspiracy theories though? If banks of teenage rugby players were taking PEDs via supplements surely that would be pretty high up the list of investigatory journalists lists to get under the skin of? And easy to prove.

I can see the motivations easily enough, but I can't see how you can keep a lid on it these days with the interest in PEDs and the concern for child / player welfare?

That said, there is an aspect of Ujah's outcome which I'd like to know more about. What was it that he bought / consumed, what level of diligence do they think was missing in his ability to protect himself from contamination. There's a world of difference between carelessly buying a product perhaps overseas assuming it was the same as you get at your home base vs deliberately buying non-certified stuff and turning a blind eye to the risks.
Oct 2022
12:58pm, 10 Oct 2022
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I should add to the above - "and even though there is a world of difference between both of those circumstances, I'd still expect a ban to arise; I'm more interested in his overall attitude"
Oct 2022
1:04pm, 10 Oct 2022
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With Ujah, the link I posted is pretty clear although there may be more requirements than it details

As I said, with Informed Sport, every batch is tested and the link I posted says...

"Assess the risks: if you chose to use a supplement product, only use batch-tested supplement products to minimise your risks of contamination. Make sure you check the actual batch numbers prior to use."

I can imagine people aren't checking every batch number TBF but that is a requirement and if you've bought something overseas it would make sense to check that batch at least.

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