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Cricket Thread

3 lurkers | 108 watchers
Mar 2015
9:01pm, 14 Mar 2015
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
If England are going to bring back an opinionated, disruptive player who's scored a huge number of runs in tests and has an inflated opinion of his own worth, they may as well grasp the rhubarb stick and bring back Mr Boycott. At least he speaks with a local accent ;-).
Mar 2015
10:23am, 16 Mar 2015
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The Teaboy
Whilst I've defended him. I'm not convinced a KP return is the answer - at test level at least. Merely that throwing him under the bus wasn't the answer either when there were clearly plenty of other things wrong.

Since he's departed, the test batting seems to have found some decent players so longer term I don't think he's an aswer there. He's too old to play the next World Cup (probably) so I don't see the use there. Although there is a case that he might be able to mentor batsmen in the art of attacking ODI/T20 batting from within the squad. That mindset of playing without fear that has lead him to playing some of the greatest innings I've seen an England player produce and win player of the tournament in a World T20 might be his legacy if harnessed properly.

A bigger issue longer term is the bowling. Jimmy won't last too much longer, Broad and Finn are shadows of themselves and we have no top rate spinner to speak of.
Mar 2015
10:29am, 16 Mar 2015
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TRO Saracen
I am beginning to wonder about the merits of bringing back KP. Seemed utterly inconceivable but....

Remember one of his so called 'dressing room disruptions' was to call out Moores during his first stint for endless tedious team meetings of statistics and precentages. 'He was like a woodpecker...tap tap tap tapping away until you had a headache'. The other timid limp dicks in the team would have sat there, thinking it but not strong enough to do anything. Events have shown that his opinion of Moores was 100% spot on; frankly I'd rather have international sportsman to have the strength to call it out, not hide under the duvet if they know sometyhing is fundamentally wrong. What would some of the greats of the past have done? Vaughan? Botham? This first stand off at least saw off Moores Part 1 and brought in the Flower regime which was very successful for a while.

Bringing him back would see the end of Downton and Moores, so we're up on the deal straightaway....

Team is now full of feeble, spineless no marks who play the game burdened by Moores statistics and percentages, and try to not lose the game then usually get fucking slaughtered with that modest aim. They're better players than that, I bet they are all dying to be let loose to do what they do best, and at least give it go. Maybe an alpha male who does not play by fear and statistics is what they need.

It's a desperate hail mary, but surely not worse than continuing with the current situation?
Mar 2015
10:54am, 16 Mar 2015
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Dave A
Here's a new idea ;-) Hiws about those that aren't performing go back to county cricket to get back in form, then give the performing county players the chance to stand up and be counted.
Mar 2015
10:59am, 16 Mar 2015
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The Teaboy
We all know what Botham's response to it would have been...

Stats do have a use and can help develop general plans, but context is everything and shouldn't overrule a player's instincts on the field. If something isn't working they have to be free to change the plan.
Mar 2015
11:01am, 16 Mar 2015
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The Teaboy
I think county cricket is certainly the answer for out of form players. Batsmen need time at the crease and bowlers need rhythm. Finn had started to get some semblance of form back. Looks like he'll need another season at Middlesex to get over this winter though...
Mar 2015
11:35am, 16 Mar 2015
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Dave A
It worked for Trott too. And it didn't do Butler any harm coming into the test side halfway through the summer.
Mar 2015
10:14am, 17 Mar 2015
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TRO Saracen
That's a good point - noticable how quite often someone drafted into the side not on a central contract (especially batsmen) does very well for a while, then gradually a combination of the coaches, not enough 'time in the middle' etc start dragging their form down.

On the downside, it's been 8 days since Bangladesh and Moores is still there. Peck peck peck peck....what are they waiting for? Surely it's a no brainer...peck peck peck peck....maybe they have to get at least 30 old farts of sub committee 17a to meet and pass it with at least 75% majority...peck peck peck peck...maybe delays in getting enough Gin and Tonic ordered to persuade the old f&%ks to rock up for the meeting, meanwhile...peck peck peck peck...he'll earn a tiday packet today for continuing as England cricket coach and time's a wasting for the Ashes....
Mar 2015
10:17am, 17 Mar 2015
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Crash Hamster
I reckon that they'll leave him in place, we'll get a right stuffing all summer, and *then* they'll sack him. Bringing in a new person now and getting thrashed all summer would not be seen as sensible...

... despite the fact that such a tactic worked extremely well for the Aussies!
Mar 2015
10:30am, 17 Mar 2015
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The Teaboy
TBF, the Aussies took a shoeing at first with the new coach.

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