Cluck Cluck Cock-a-doodle... DOO!

19 watchers
Mar 2019
12:06pm, 4 Mar 2019
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They sound wonderful Hanneke :)

Evie is our slightly scrawny old bird, only one left of our original three Red Comets. She's not top of the pecking order but is a real bully, picking especially on Flavia and the two youngest birds (who don't seem to have realised that they're now nearly twice her size). She's about four I think.

Doris is a Light Sussex with a deformed back so she's wonky. She goes broody at least twice a year and is a fantastic mama, with a really chill personality. Everybody likes Doris, nobody messes with her, and she doesn't pick on anyone.

Rambo was named by Mr Carp. We banned him from naming any more before we ended up with Terminator and Death Ray. She is top of the pecking order and runs a tight ship. I don't know what breed she is - brown triangular chicken.

Octavia is another mystery breed - mottled black with grey round her neck. Mid-pecking order and a bit nondescript!

Flavia is a stunningly beautiful Andalusian, flies extremely well, doesn't get on with anyone else and is always getting picked on :( She also suffers from chronic vent gleet which is the only thing stopping us showing her. She's the only survivor of Doris' first brood and Doris is about the only one who puts up with her.

Flora and Splodge are squawky teenager Buff Sussexes. Flora is classic colouring. Complaining loudly is her raison d'etrĂª. Doris hatched her and Splodge last year.
Splodge has white neck feathers where they ought to be black. They are both very fluffy and large.
Mar 2019
12:43am, 5 Mar 2019
70,295 posts
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Your lot sounds nice too! Next thing: we need to upload some photos!

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